No push notification token

Reading through other threads discussing the issue with the missing token/key in the IOS app, hasn’t helped me. After reinstalling the app several times, allowing the push notifications/location in IOS in different orders doesn’t seem to help.

I have this in the log:

16-09-21 13:45:09 homeassistant.loader: Loaded ios from custom_components.ios
16-09-21 13:45:11 homeassistant.core: Bus:Handling <Event component_loaded[L]: component=ios>
16-09-21 13:45:13 homeassistant.loader: Loaded notify.ios from custom_components.notify.ios
16-09-21 13:45:14 homeassistant.core: Bus:Handling <Event service_registered[L]: service=iosapp, domain=notify>

so I guess the component is loaded correctly.

My iPhone screen looks like this:

Any ideas? :slight_smile:

I am not using the same URL as the app suggests at the top of the screen. I am using an external URL with a non-standard port number. Could this be the cause?

Can you try this?

I already tried it. The “Allow Notifications” button went blue and stayed blue the first time I allowed notifications in the IOS prompt, but I did push the button a few more times anyway. I’ll try again right now :slight_smile:

Mmm, no change. This time is tried the internal URL (standard port no.). Still no token. The “Allowed notifications” turned blue as I pressed “Allow” in the IOS prompt. I allowed notifications first, and location afterwards.

Have you put this in your configuration.yaml file?


  - name: iOSApp
    platform: ios

I hadn’t put that in mine and the key didn’t show up.

Also be sure to add the additional files in your home assistant install.


I did have some push categories defined as described in another thread. It tried your suggestion removing everything but the four lines, but it doesn’t help - still no token.

In the meantime build 43 has been released, which says “Not registered for remote notifications” in “Notifications Settings”.

It seems a bit weird though: Every time I restart the app, I have the “Enable notifications” button in settings. When the button is pressed the first time after installing the IOS prompt pops up as expected. When the app is (force) restarted the “Enable notifications” button is back. When pressed it changes immediately to the “Notification Settings” button. I don’t know if this has something to do with the “Not registered” thing.

I believe all the necessary py files are present, as the log tells me that the components have been loaded. I just don’t understand what I am doing wrong…

BTW: Build 43 never asks for permission to use location services, but I guess that is a different thread :slight_smile:

I have this issue as well. I have tried all options but I cannot get PUSH to work when it was previously working.

I’m having this issue, but it started after I moved to new iPhone.

Mmm, “new iPhone” you say… I’ve only tried the app on my iPhone 6, and with build 42 of the app the location services worked (push did not). With build 43 neither work. It seems other people are using the app with great success, so maybe it works differently with different phones (?).

I just upgraded to HASS 0.29.7… now the iOS component fails to load with an error, so I guess there is no chance for it to work now :slight_smile: I wish I could contribute to make this work instead of just complaining about it…

16-10-05 18:04:53 homeassistant.loader: Loaded ios from custom_components.ios
16-10-05 18:05:34 homeassistant.loader: Loaded notify.ios from custom_components.notify.ios
16-10-05 18:05:34 homeassistant.core: Bus:Handling <Event service_registered[L]: domain=notify, service=iosapp>
16-10-05 18:05:55 homeassistant.bootstrap: Error during setup of component ios
  File "/var/opt/homeassistant/custom_components/", line 73, in setup

After begin away from home a few days, everything seems to work :confused: I now have the push token in the app, and both location services and push notifications now work. I still have the python error (line 73 in, and the app reports that the iOS component is not running, but… it works :slight_smile:

This will happen until the iOS component is built into HA. I hope that it will be starting with 0.31.