Same problem.
I‘m using MariaDB for the recorder.
I see this in the log.
2018-01-29 19:13:54 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=45 from 2018-01-28 15:46:43)
Same problem.
I‘m using MariaDB for the recorder.
I see this in the log.
2018-01-29 19:13:54 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=45 from 2018-01-28 15:46:43)
Same issue here no state history found HA 0.62
Same issue here. I just upgraded to 0.62.1 and that has not fixed things. If I keep trying to click a sensor to view the state history, most times it says “No state history found”, but sometimes it does display the history correctly.
Did you try to clear the browser cache?
Just as a follow-up this was fixed in 0.62.1 for me.
At first this was still buggy on 0.62.1, but it seems to be working correctly now. I did clear my browser cache because videos weren’t playing correctly, maybe that was related…
History for 0.80.2 out of box; new clean install do not work… no workaround?
It’s bugged on 0.80.2.
Me too having the same problem
Same issue here. Working fine on 0.80.1 and just did an upgrade to 0.80.2 as the only change when this stopped working. Tried all suggested fixes with no luck.
Best to do is to open an issue over at github so the devs know about it:
Same problem here… working until 0.80.1 and the problem start with .2
Same here. Love this community!
EDIT: Downgrade to ha 80.1 fixes this problem.
Confirming downgrade to Hassio 0.80.1 worked on docker hosted on Ubuntu 18.04 but a simple delete of the home-assistant_v2.db file and a Hassio reboot did not bring the history back. It required me to reboot the host machine before it worked again. Not sure why but Im back in business using 0.80.1
There is. Just add a ‘me too’ (especially if not running Hassio).
I know it’s an older thread, but facing similar issue - “No state history found.” in history menu. When I remove the history.yaml contents, all history has shown. But when I applied include and exclude, no history is being shown.
Here is my history.yaml
- sun
- binary_sensor
- automation
- script
- sensor
- zone
- media_player
- sensor.speedtest_download
- sensor.speedtest_ping
- sensor.speedtest_upload
- sensor.processor_use
- sensor.cpu_temperature
- sensor.memory_use_percent
- sensor.swap_use_percent
purge_keep_days: 3
purge_interval: 1
- sensor.date_time
- sun
- binary_sensor
- weather
Here is my logbook.yaml
- sensor.speedtest_download
- sensor.speedtest_ping
- sensor.speedtest_upload
- sensor.processor_use
- sensor.cpu_temperature
- sensor.memory_use_percent
- sensor.swap_use_percent
- sun
- binary_sensor
- sensor
- zone
- automation
- script
- media_player
I can’t find where it’s wrong?