NOAA weather alerts from aka US National Weather Service

This works fine with HACS, just add the repo.

Good to know.

Since HACS is the way forward it would be nice if developers would either mention that in the repo install instructions or even better just get it added to the default store.

Ah, if it were only that easyā€¦

I just added the repo manually to HACS and it didnā€™t install the latest version. It installed v0.0.7

For some reason HACS thinks the latest version is 0.0.7 when the code has 0.0.8 as the latest version.

It looks like the last version wasnā€™t updated in the list of releases.

Iā€™ve manually updated my version again but that should be addressed to minimize confusion.

I have not used HACS. I plan on it now that i know about it! I will make sure it works accordingly with my repo with any new releases.


geting Integration not found error when I check config. Issue filed on GitHub.

Itā€™s working for me on v96.3 but mine is not a new installation.

Did you install via HACS?

My HA is down at the moment as i am upgrading it to some ironwolf drives. I am currently spinning up a temporary docker container and will report back if i had any issues with 96.5, however before i took it down i wasnā€™t having issues.

I just spun up the latest container on linux mint 19 which is basically Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with no issues. pycache is created at first run all the other 3 files are included in the latest release zip and are required.

If this is the first custom component you have setup? If it is see the directory structure on the screenshot, and in your config make sure your editor doesnā€™t auto correct to Sensor: ** note the capital S it needs to be lowercase.

Thanks for the help!

Not my first custom component and all others are working as intended (minus 1, but it needs to access a USB stick and Iā€™m still trying to sort that out. not related to this)


Using VScode as my editor so no auto-capitalization going on.


  - platform: noaa_alerts
    zoneid: TXZ205

I guess I need to ask again?

I just installed via HACS and everything is working fine.
I did notice that the sensor appends the zoneID onto the sensor nameā€¦
I tried to use the "name: " but it wasnā€™t supported.

I am no dev, is this is this something that would be easy to add to the component?
Or is it preferred to do this through customization instead of configuration?

Whoops I forgot to add that modification to the docs. You should be able to do multiple zoneidā€™s thus why it appends the zoneid to the sensor.

If you were asking me, I did not

Iā€™ll delete and try that now though

edit: aaaaaaaaaaaaand now itā€™s working!!! Thanks!!!

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Sounds like a copy/paste error in the directory structure maybe?

I plan on another release soon, very minor trying to speed up initialization time.

Hi there. Thanks for the hard work.
I was wondering if there was a way to force it to update. I had it working, and it pulled an alert. However when I was adding templates to it, it stopped showing the current weather alert. I even commented out all of the templates, and restarted the server, and it still has not updated.
Will it only update on a change of alert?

Again, thanks for your hard work

Just realized that this may be a non-issue since NOAA seems to have cancelled their alert for my area while I was working.
Iā€™m still curious if there is a way to force an update?

There is no way to force an update as it runs a scan every 1 minute.
If your testing alerts go here and pick a zone that has an alert
Just add a second zone and you can play with states to your heartā€™s desire.

Smart - Just tried that, and all of my templates work!

Thanks again!

I donā€™t see any of this code under HACSā€¦would someone tell me how they are installing from HACS??