Nodered: trigger - No Targets (since recently)

Since very recently "Targets" are not available for nodered:trigger... they still work for other services.
You can still enter them in YAML of course but....

You need the companion app from HACS installed, a switch entity deployed and then it should appear. If not you can enter it manually.

I do have it. The entities were appearing until recently... I've been using it that way for ages

not sure what has happened

I’ve never used it before but it does not show the nodes for me either. I have the integration and entities but they don’t populate.

It’s happened in the last nodered update. I have at least a hundred nodered: trigger calls on several lovelace pages and all the entities are gone. They still exist and work in YAML but will not appear in the editor.

It looks like a bug with the custom component. Report it here

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