[Noob] Remote Control through openhab

Hello everyone,

First of all I am really sorry if this is a noob question, however I was wondering if it is possible to emulate an universal remote control for all the IR devices, for example what i want to achieve is a similar dashboard, to remote control my tv, my kodi and my tvbox:

Is this even possible? If so how can i do it?

Once again if this is a stupid question, feel free to delete the trhead.

Thank you for all your help!

Maybe this might be a solution?

My point regarding this dashboard is would it support several touch in a single button or long press for volume raise for example?

No, not at the moment. This might be a little closer but I’m not sure about long press…

I don’t use this so that’s about all I can offer. The OP may be of more help.

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Ok I will try to find out some other solutions or even try to develop one myself, I think this would be a good addon to Home-Assistant to have a sort of centralized remote control for all our devices right? What do you guys think is it worth the effort? Would you use it?

I’m sure people would. For my part though, I am trying more and more to get the house to think for itself and do more automatically than to react to button presses whenever possible. But that’s just my personal approach.