Nortek GoControl QuickStick Combo Model HUSBZB-1

What is the current most uptodate way of upgrading the firmware?

I tried to run via docker from here: walthowd/husbzb-firmware: Nortek GoControl HUSBZB-1 / EM3581 Firmware update image (

But this does not have an arm compatible image. I wonder if I can update from the ZwaveJS-UI using the file ncp-uart-sw-6.7.8.ebl directly.

That project is a “Zigbee coordinator firmware updater image”. It upgrades the Zigbee part of the stick. You can’t upgrade the Z-Wave part with Z-Wave JS. It requires a more invasive procedure.

I only want to update the z-wave part, but the docker image fails to run:

# docker run --rm --device=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_612017E6-if00-port0:/dev/ttyUSB
1 -it walthowd/husbzb-firmware bash
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
exec /bin/bash: exec format error

That Docker image doesn’t upgrade the Z-Wave part.

Has anyone tried to update directy from the ZwaveJS-UI ?

Well Z-Wave JS will not install the firmware files at that project because they are Zigbee firmware. Z-Wave JS is Z-Wave only.

I have never heard of anyone upgrading the Z-Wave part of the Nortek using ZJS. If you want to take the risk, which could brick the controller, you might be the first.

Based on the comments at, it sounds like it may be possible to upgrade from the v6.51 SDK using the serialapi_controller_static_OTU_ZW050x_US_6.61.01_intermediate.ota intermediate file. Maybe ZJS can install that, but I have no clue. After that supposedly you can then install the serialapi_controller_static_OTW_ZW050x_US_6.81.03.otz in ZJS.

That same repo has a Python script to update firmware, you could try that. GitHub - drzwave/ZWaveOTW: Z-Wave Over-The-Wire firmware update

Use the above at your own risk. It is much easier to brick a 500-series controller using the wrong firmware, compared to a 700.

I’ve update both sides of my HUSBZB-1 stick. As was already mentioned, the zwave side requires opening the case and grounding out a pin.

Mentioned in the linked thread is a comment that the stick doesn’t have enough NVRAM to support the standard upgrade mechanism.