Norway & Sweden electric meter reading (AMS HAN)

The AMSHAN integration reads DLMS/COSEM messages from serial port, TCP/IP or MQTT topics, and provides sensors for all elements of the messages. The integration supports all Norwegian meters currently available (Aidon, Kamstrup and Kaifa), and also support Swedish DLMS/COSEM (binary format) meters of the same brands. Work to support the ASCII based format used for some readers in Sweden is in progress.

Meter source can be a stream of DLMS/COSEM data or binary DSMS/COSEM frames published on a MQTT topic.

  • Standard M-BUS USB slave devices providing a stream of data as on serial port (usually USB) or tcp/ip. This includes devices Oss-brikken when Oss-brikken is is connected to USB.
  • Tibber Pulse when configured to publish to MQTT
  • and AmsToMqttBridge publishing raw data to MQTT (feature is scheduled for release 2.1.0
  • Other sources of binary DLMS/COSEM messages published to MQTT

The integration is available for easy installation with HACS.

Help is currently needed to translate Swedish language file. Please feel free to contribute if you have Swedish as your native language.

The integration provides sensors that can be used by Home Assistant Energy:

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this seems to be what I need, maybe.

I just got the slimmelezer+ ( and connected it to my Aidon 6534 (or 6442 next to RJ12 port).

But since it is the HDLC/COSEM data protocol (?) of this meter I dont get any data to my device, or into Home Assistant. I got the slimmelezer integration into HA, but not data on the sensors.

Is there anyway I could use what you got here to be able to use the slimmelezer device to get the data from this protocol? Any help appriciated, as I got really stuck here.

(I’m a rookie at this stuff)


I dont know the Slimmelezer, but from what understand there is two different firmware options. The option called esp-link seems to be a simple bridge that makes data from the meter available at port 23. This integrations can if you are lucky decode the HDLC/COSEM data. The data structure and content (published fields) is often a bit different between countries, but Aidon seems to have a generic structure (at least the Norwegian and Swedish structure is the same, but content a bit different).

I am curious to hear if you have any luck with this. You are welcome to sendt me some sample data (turn on logging for the integration) if you are able to connect, and I can see if I can support decoding it.

Hi, went deep into internet and found a guy that had solved exactly my problem.


He used a edited version of Forsbergs code:

After I used the files the forum-user sent me and installed in on my slimmelezer+ it worked perfectly in HA.

I did a write up on the process in a separate post as it might help someone out.

I wonder if this one could solve my challenges with Kamstrup 382Lx7 where I only can use the serial optical eye ?
Would be nice to know before I order an IR eye :slight_smile:

Great. Just got a energy meter installed with HAN port. Will try this out.

This is great!

Anyone have any tips for getting the hourly energy?
The Cumulative sensor seems to work perfectly in the energy dashboard, but I want to use it in apex card.

Not sure if this is the place, but this seems to be the only topic about Smart meters in Norway… Anyway;

HomeWizard has created an RJ45/HAN compatible P1 meter (in comparison to the more common RJ12 variant). To get some initial responses and user feedback the price is reduced for a short period. I would highly appreciate if you help testing, if you are living in Norway or have an HAN/RJ45 smart meter in Sweden)! → HomeWizard Wi-Fi P1 Meter - HomeWizard

Feel free to continue the discussion here: HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter) - #637 by DCSBL

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