Notfication to media player with TTS

Hi Guys,

Im sure this is a simple problem to solve.

I want to do a notification to my google home via TTS using the ‘alert’ function (so it will repeat until the door is closed). where do i specifiy the ‘’?

Thanks for any help

After tts service add->


Hi thanks for the reply.

I tried that but it didnt work. Im not sure you are allowed to put entites ID’s in a notification…?

Post your config, and so we can understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

TTS isn’t a Notification and requires data input as it needs to know what to say.

Could you not just have an automation that sees when the door is open and then triggers the TTS with an initial delay the same as your Alert repeat time? You could then set that trigger to loop immediately as it will again delay the time you’ve set. Stopping the loop would just require the door being closed.



  • platform: cast


  • name: lan
    platform: group
    • service: googlehomesay
  • name: googlehomesay
    platform: cast

name: Back door has been left open
done_message: Door now closed
entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0001a20259
state: ‘on’
repeat: 1
can_acknowledge: True
skip_first: True
- lan

Do you have a TTS entry in your config yaml?

Sorry, yes i do:


  • platform: google

Ok, so again, TTS needs to be told what to say each time it is triggered. Unlike Alert which is written into the config, TTS really requires an automation to trigger it to start talking, the Say service. You can have data templates which look up information in real time but in reality to still have to call it as an action.

As I said you could setup an automation similar to the Alert that would do this for you

Agree with @jonathanp, an automation would be the easiest way to accomplish what you are trying to do.

Thanks for the reply guys. If i use an automation how do i make it repeat every minute untill its closed?

You’ll need to write a script and actually make that the action of your automation. Search up “loop action” or “loop tts” in this forum and there are a few examples explaining how it’s done. It seems a bit daunting at first but they make sense after a few runs through and this will do exactly what you want it to do.

Thanks for tips. Il give it a go now. thanks again

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Sorry, here is a good one

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