Notification for new devices


I have an automation to notify me if new devices are found:

- alias: Notify for new devices
    platform: event
    event_type: device_tracker_new_device
    - service: notify.html5
        message: >
          New device:
        title: New device

… and it works. However what I would actually like is to get notifications only when a new device connects to the wifi, but not when the bluetooth tracker finds a new device. I would still like to have track_new_devices True for bluetooth.

So my question is, would it be possible to implement this? I guess it would require adding the name of the platform seeing the device to the dictionary attached to the device_tracker_new_device event but I couldn’t find out how to get the platform name …



Thanks. While this attribute currently doesn’t exist, adding it would probably indeed achieve what I want, since the bluetooth tracker has source_type='gps' while the wi-fi one has source_type='router'.

However I am actually wondering whether this behaviour is correct. Looking at the relevant PRs, the way I understand the purpose of the source_type attribute, wouldn’t it make more sense for the bluetooth tracker to be 'router' as well?

Another hack that came to my mind was adding the device.mac and checking in the automation whether it starts with BT_, but having the actual platform name would still be much nicer.

A bit off topic here, but was looking for a bit of help/advice. For your “data_template”, is that pre-established using another .yaml or are they built in?

Hi, not sure what you mean. The snippet should work standalone. The and are existing attributes of the device_tracker_new_device event.

I know it’s old but trying to have it working with notify.pushbullet service but it just doesn’t work… the problem is with message. Do you know how should it be written to work?

  - alias: Notify for new devices
      platform: event
      event_type: device_tracker_new_device
      - service: notify.pushbullet
          title: "New device"
          message: "New device: something"

it works but message:
message: >
New device:

doesn’t work. What do you think?
