Notification if Door or Window is left open

Yeah, I’m still a fairly beginner user, so I personally prefer to use as little yaml as possible, though I am getting increasingly comfortable with it. I’ve been thinking of switching to Node Red, but I like the simplicity of having all of my automations in one place using the built in automations feature.

I agree that keeping things simple is important, but I also believe that some complexity is needed for the best experience and organization. For example, having a door icon in the status bar draws my attention much better than a generic HA notification. Same with the red color. It’s a balance between simplicity and functionality.

Thanks for making this! I’ve been trying to find something like this but would like it for all doors being open after x time and before y time. Basically let me know if someone opens a door between 10:30PM and 6AM. Thoughts?

This is how I’d do it. No blueprint required.


Your automation is not what this thread was talking about. Yours will check to see if the door is opened during a time period. They are looking for one that will tell if the is open.

Is there any way to get this to check a group i have 4 doors and 12 windows on binary sensors. I do not want 16 automations there must be away in HA or NR to check all and report back which ones are open. Like if your leaving home or at night ??


Have you tried making a binary sensor group (settings > devices & services > helpers > +create helper > binary sensor group) and then using that with this blueprint? Because it works exactly like you’d expect it to.

Note the notification portion of the blueprint is broken, but the binary sensor, triggering and event work fine.

A blueprint is the right solution for this problem as it’s a reusable component. There are many conceptual ways to solve any one problem, and a blueprint is the best way for this one.

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Is it possible to add multiple notification receiver? E.g. me and my wife…

Please use a notify group for this function.

Thanks @Neekster, works fine and blueprint hides the complexity. :+1:

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Hi @Neekster. Thanks for the blueprint. It should help those who need this functionality to create a their automation quickly and easily.

To those (above) asking “why do this when one can build an automation with the GUI instead”, one needs to remember that an automation is actually stored in YAML. The GUI is in itself only facilitating the building of that YAML by hiding many details, i.e. YAML syntax and structure, but it may still require some technical knowledge that users might lack. In contrast to the generic automation GUI, a blueprint is capable of masking even more details and can provide dropdowns and other options specific to a task.

In short, if you prefer a GUI build over the blueprint, I could ask why you don’t go directly to YAML. The reasoning is the same - to simplify what you want to do depending on your skill.

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I agree with Thorrrr, it would be nice to get a notification to know what door or window is open.
The solution you propose will certainly work but you only get a warning that a door or a window is open.
You will still have go looking around the place to see what is open.
If I understand Thorrrr correct, it’s more like the low battery blueprint (Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors) notifications that he asked for.

When set at it’s default settings, this blueprint will notify you what door is left open if you put in the friendly name.
This will not work in groups, but it can tell you the group name.

Nice blueprint! Thanks for posting this @Neekster - was able to get this working in about 5min, exactly what I was looking for. Simply wanted a notification if the garage door was left open for X minutes.

Hi there, is there any way to put a template in the „friendly name“ field that searches the group for the real name of the Window or door?

Can this work with a group of sensors and notify which sensor is on? I notice it works well with a single sensor and can notify multiple people. If I use a group for the entity it works but does not identify which member of the group that triggered the automation.

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I think it would be a good idea if the automation would send an “all clear” when the state of the sensor is finally restored. Then you would know if e.g. the door was already shut by someone, or does it still need closing.

Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thank you.

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I’ve done this before, but opted to not include it into this blueprint. Take a look into “notification replacement” to avoid having notifications pile up and make a wait until trigger for when the door is closed again before sending a notification.

I’m using clear_notification for this purpose: Introduction | Home Assistant Companion Docs

Hey there,

I wanted to express my gratitude for the fantastic work on the original blueprint. Inspired by @Neekster’s version, I’ve created an enhanced version with additional features and improvements. If you’re looking for:

  • Clear Notifications: Clear the notification when, for instance, a door or window has been closed again, so you know there’s no need to worry.
  • Flexible Notification Services: I’ve added the option to notify multiple devices directly without relying on notify groups. Simply list your desired notify services, separated by commas.
  • Input Boolean Support: Now you can use both binary_sensor and input_boolean domains as trigger entities.

Check out the extended blueprint here for more details. I am looking forward to your feedback! :rocket:

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