Notification Ticker

I am looking for some of the experience and expertise from this community to give me some ideas on the following. Currently i use persistent notifications for certain status items in home assistant, windy outside, window left open, etcetera. The issue with persistent notifications is that i have to select them from the left side of the dashboard. What i would like is something like a news ticker dashboard card that i can write the notifications to and any active notifications scroll on this ticker from any dashboard screen i choose to display it on. If the notification is no longer active, then that item is no longer in the list. Is anyone doing something like this? I have seen a post on the forum using an html card. It is a good idea but can i use it to add notifications to? Or something like that? Ideas?

This maybe Simple and Effective Alerting

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Thanks this looks very promising, i am going to mark this as a solution as i think this will give me what i need.

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