šŸ“ø Notification with camera snapshot with blocking condition and clickaction

Please share your revised blueprint with the community, so all can benefit.

I would like to have this blueprint to activate by a contact sensor, instead of a motion sensor.
Is there an easy way to do so?
Is there a blueprint with this modification?

I think itā€™s as easy as removing the domain class.
Try with the modified blueprint at the URL below.

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Thank you very much.

this is without blueprint

Finally I found this :slight_smile:
I have 3 places geocoded in HA. I dont want to receive notification if I am home but I do want to receive notification if I am at the other locations. What should I do? Do I need to remove those? Not really need themā€¦

The standard blueprint does just that.
You use the blocking entity to stop the notifications when you are home.

Blocking entity

As blocking entity you just create a helper template entity (binary template sensor) that has the status ON when you are home and the status OFF when youā€™re not. In the below template example I optionally change the icon as well to graphically show when people are home or not, because I also use this sensor in my dashboards.

With 1 person:

  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('person.stan_g', 'home') }}
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state("binary_sensor.stang_home", "on") %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

With 2 persons, with the OR operator:

  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('person.stan_g', 'home') 
          or is_state('person.xxyyy', 'home') }}
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state("binary_sensor.people_home", "on") %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

In my example I have a geocoded location named ā€œHomeā€ and the template sensor looks for this location in the attributes of the person. If you home location is called differently i.e. thuis, house, etc ā€¦ just replace the ā€œhomeā€ in the above template sensor with your named location. Go to settings - ares & zones to look at your configured zones and the name.

The other geocoded locations donā€™t have any impact. You donā€™t need to do anything with them.

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I have this blueprint working now where it can send notifications to multiple devices (both Android and iOS)

Please note that I am what one would call an ā€œidiotā€, so I mightā€™ve done something dumb here, but it does work.

Go to your file editor and open /blueprints/automation/Stan-Gobien/CriticalCollapseOptionNotHomeMotionCameraSnapshotWithClickAction.yaml

Note the section that says:

      name: Device to notify
      description: Device that runs the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
          integration: mobile_app
          multiple: false

Duplicate this section and rename the ā€œnotify_deviceā€ for each into something unique. I did ā€œnotify_device1ā€ and ā€œnotify_device2ā€ because I am a simple man. See below for what that looks like:

      name: Device to notify
      description: Device that runs the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
          integration: mobile_app
          multiple: false
      name: Device to notify
      description: Device that runs the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
          integration: mobile_app
          multiple: false

Now scroll down to the ā€˜variablesā€™ section and find:

  notify_device1: !input notify_device

Duplicate this line and rename it to what you renamed the devices earlier. In my case:

  notify_device1: !input notify_device1
  notify_device1: !input notify_device2

Now scroll down to the ā€˜actionsā€™ section and find:

- delay: '{{ delay }}'
- service: camera.snapshot
  entity_id: !input camera
    filename: '{{ snapshot_create_file_path }}'
- device_id: !input notify_device
  domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  title: '{{ notification_title }}'
  message: '{{ notification_message }}'
  data: "{% if is_ios %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {% set platform_data = { \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"critical\":
    1, \"volume\": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data
    = { \"channel\": \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"apns_headers\": { \"apns-collapse-id\":
    \"%s\" }, \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},  \"push\":
    { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\": 1.0 }
    } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, group_name, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"channel\": \"%s\",
    \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\":
    1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% else %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {%
    if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\",
    \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set
    platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\": \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name,
    clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{%
    endif %} {{ platform_data }}\n"

Duplicate this section entirely and rename !input notify_device to what you called your devices earlier.

In my case this section now looks like this:

- delay: '{{ delay }}'
- service: camera.snapshot
  entity_id: !input camera
    filename: '{{ snapshot_create_file_path }}'
- device_id: !input notify_device1
  domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  title: '{{ notification_title }}'
  message: '{{ notification_message }}'
  data: "{% if is_ios %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {% set platform_data = { \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"critical\":
    1, \"volume\": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data
    = { \"channel\": \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"apns_headers\": { \"apns-collapse-id\":
    \"%s\" }, \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},  \"push\":
    { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\": 1.0 }
    } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, group_name, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"channel\": \"%s\",
    \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\":
    1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% else %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {%
    if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\",
    \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set
    platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\": \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name,
    clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{%
    endif %} {{ platform_data }}\n"

- delay: '{{ delay }}'
- service: camera.snapshot
  entity_id: !input camera
    filename: '{{ snapshot_create_file_path }}'
- device_id: !input notify_device2
  domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  title: '{{ notification_title }}'
  message: '{{ notification_message }}'
  data: "{% if is_ios %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {% set platform_data = { \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"critical\":
    1, \"volume\": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data
    = { \"channel\": \"%s\", \"url\": \"%s\", \"apns_headers\": { \"apns-collapse-id\":
    \"%s\" }, \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},  \"push\":
    { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\": 1.0 }
    } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, group_name, snapshot_access_file_path,
    group_name) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"channel\": \"%s\",
    \"url\": \"%s\", \"attachment\": {\"url\": \"%s\", \"content_type\": \"JPEG\"},
    \ \"push\": { \"category\": \"%s\", \"sound\": { \"name\": \"default\", \"volume\":
    1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% else %}\n  {% if is_critical %}\n    {%
    if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\":
    \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"ttl\": 0, \"priority\": \"high\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\",
    \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path)
    %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% else %}\n    {% if overwrite_similar %}\n      {% set
    platform_data = { \"tag\": \"%s\", \"channel\": \"%s\", \"group\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\":
    \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction,
    snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% else %}\n      {% set platform_data = {
    \"channel\": \"%s\", \"clickAction\": \"%s\", \"image\": \"%s\"} | format(channel_name,
    clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}\n    {% endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{%
    endif %} {{ platform_data }}\n"

Restart Home Assistant and now when you use the blueprint, itā€™ll give you two notification devices to select.

Please note

  • You could probably duplicate the line again if you wanted to add another device to notify, but I have not tested that
  • Your existing automations that use the old version of the blueprint will not show up anymore if you make changes to the original blueprint. To update those, go to your automations.yaml file and duplicate and update your ā€œnotify_deviceā€ names to those used in your blueprint.
  • Iā€™m not sure if this causes any issues with the iOS specific toggle under ā€œoverwrite similarā€ in the blueprint. I would imagine it does.
  • Iā€™m not adding the file as itā€™s pretty simple stuff and as mentioned before, Iā€™m an idiot. So please try this at your own risk.
  • I found that you can duplicate the blueprint and rename it for example to ā€œcameranotifies1ā€ and ā€œcameranotifies2ā€ you can keep both.

Hope this helps at all!

I cannot get it to workā€¦ :frowning:
The sensor gives me the answer ā€œTrueā€ not ā€œonā€ is it a problem?

  • platform: template
    value_template: >-
    icon_template: >-


and this is in the config:

  • platform: template
    value_template: >-
    {{ is_state(ā€˜person.adminā€™, ā€˜homeā€™) }}
    icon_template: >-
    {% if is_state(ā€œbinary_sensor.gabor_otthonā€, ā€œTrueā€) %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

when I put sensor.gabor_otthon as blocking, I dont get any notificationā€¦

See above for the correct spacing.
Check the status of the person.stan_g and sensor.stang_home in the developer tools both when home and away to troubleshoot.

I think my problem is that I dont have the

The little piece of code 2 posts above is for creating the binary_sensor

hi @StanG and thanks for the blueprint, itā€™s one of the best. Iā€™ve been thinking that i need to have a storage of those snapshots. anyway we can keep them stored in a specific folder on ha?

  snapshot_create_file_path: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_{{ states[camera].object_id }}.jpg"

Above is where the path is set for saving the snapshot photo file.
You can change the sub-directory to one your create yourself.
If you want to keep every file youā€™ll have to add a date-time-stamp in the name of the file so the next one doesnā€™t overwrite the previous one.

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The notification is working fine but it is not sending the snapshot. I went into my www/tmp directory and I see the snapshot image there. and every time I run a test it create the image but on my phone instead of the snapshot I get this: Failed to Load attachment Response status code was unacceptable:404

how you got this? without blueprint

If you go in to trace mode you can see the full code the blueprint produces.
You can use that full code to make your own manual automation.

About your problem.
I guess maybe you a configuration error with your external and/or internal link setting.

Hi @StanG is it easy top modify it to capture like 4-10 seconds of video instead of snapshot?

Sorry, not easy to change picture to video.

Did anyone find a solution with this blueprint sending old images in the notification (on android)? I donā€™t see any explicit solutions posted above, just folks that created their own automations instead (which is my next step).

I saw this post above about the different directories, but making them the same has no impact. I donā€™t even understand where the cached images are coming from as the snapshot on the server appears overwritten every time.

snapshot_create_file_path: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_{{ states[camera].object_id }}.jpg"
snapshot_access_file_path: "{{ snapshot_create_file_path | replace('/config/www','/local