Notifications for all devices without specific devices

Is there any way to notify all the phones with HA app without any group list or something?
I want leak notifications to come to any phone that is connected to a HA server in the app. Or can you do this only by specifying all the phones?

They all need to be put in a group.

notify.notify notifies all devices (if by devices you mean all mobile devices with companion app)

Yeah, I meant mobile devices with companion app.
I’ve tried notify.notify service but it didnt work for me. Am I doing something wrong?

alias: notify.notify notification
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_crane1
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Attention!
      message: All gamers!

The automation is triggering, but nothing happening, no notification neither in desktop version nor in app.

action block in one of my automations looks bit different:

  - data:
      title: Attention!
      message: All gamers!
    action: notify.notify

Note that starting 2024.8 service is now called action.

notify.notify is not meant nor suggested to be used that way.

Be aware that the notify.notify action is shorthand for the first notify action the system can find. It might not work as intended. Choose a specific action to make sure your message goes to the right place.

Further discussion here.

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Okay, thank you.
Do you know, is there any integration that provide an ablitity to notify all the phones?
Thats really a problem that I have to add every single device.

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