Notify or do something when an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine finishes

Done, will let you know if it now works…

excellent blueprint this is exactly what I needed and got me to reinstall home assistant after I was operating a 0.4x install a long time ago.
The blueprint works very well, many thanks!

HA really has come a long way in becoming more user friendly. The blueprints exchange is a killer feature.


Sorry, forgot to mention… the lower timeselections did do the trick. it works!

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Great Blueprint. I do something similar. One minor suggestion for improvement - add another action selection for things to do when the appliance is running - i.e. when it first goes above the minimum threshold, run some actions, then wait for it to drop below for running the final actions.
This would allow you to do other things when the appliance is running - perhaps setting a binary sensor for device states, or even turning on a extractor fan, light, etc.


nice blueprint. this one works perfectly for my washing machine. only for my dryer no. why? because when it’s done, the dryer heats up one more cycle every 30 seconds. to 180w. can only set max 50

May I ask with which device you monitor the dishwasher?

Hi @fastender. yes sure, I use a Gosund SP111 flashed with ESPhome. But I think e.g… a shelly plug s must also be sufficient… basically any plug or device that can near-realtime (~3s what I use) measure power consumption will do.

Can we please have hysteresis down to zero as well? Makes the usage more flexible (add a recommendation not to go lower than 0,25min). In my case, I have a pump in the basement that runs 10s than turns off. Thanks, Stefan.

I must be missing something I think.

I thought I could use this blueprint to alert me when my kettle has finished boiling. I’ve got a flashed Gosund UP111. All added into HA etc.
I’ve set the automation up to use the Gosunds “Power” sensor (giving W output)
set the starting power threshold to 100W (it is a kettle afterall!)
Starting hysteresis - 0.5m
Finishing power threshold - 2W
Finishing hysteresis - 0.25m ( it draws nothing when the switch has clicked - so sooner the better on notification)

I’ve then set it to notify.notify so I get a message on my phone.

However, when I run the kettle, which has the smart socket set in always on mode, nothing happens.

Anyone got any clue as to why that’d be the case? I can’t see why it wouldn’t work from those criteria.

Have you checked the flashed UP111 to make sure its calibrated? I had similar issue with washing machine but found out my calibration was way out of whack. It was only reporting 7W output on ~500W. My blueprint wouldn’t trigger obviously.

I have checked the calibration. It is correct and reports accordingly.
I have now managed to get some response from the alert. However it takes 5-6 minutes to actually send the alert to let me know the appliance has turned off. There aren’t any other delays on the alerts on the system and the system isn’t under any particular load. I have the blueprint automation set to 0.25 minutes…

to work with a Aqara lumi.vibration.aq1
by LUMI vibration sensor using deconz I changed the lines below to device class of vibration.

      name: Vibration Sensor
      description: 'Vibration sensor entity ( Aqara  lumi.vibration.aq1 sensor). Needs to have device_class:
          domain: binary_sensor
          device_class: vibration

Hi. Thanks for the blueprint :slight_smile:
One wish, is that u can configure the sound to be played if the time is between 8 - 23.

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I have this simple configuration

alias: La lavatrice ha finito
description: ''
  path: >-
    power_sensor: sensor.lavatrice_energy_power
      - service: notify.telegram
          message: La lavatrice ha finito

But action don’t trigger even if I press “run actions”. Any idea ?


For some reason is anyone else having an issue running TTS I have tried all of them but for some reason under this blue print TTS is not working. It works on other automations and it works as a script but as soon as I put it in this automation it doesn’t work.

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I am having the same issue the actions are not working. I thought it was just TTS but it’s everything

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I absolutely love this blueprint! Even the wife likes this feature.
I sometimes forget to start the dishwasher (waiting for that one glass before starting the dishwasher)
Has anyone made an automation based on this blueprint by if the dishwasher has not finished before 10:00pm you get a message reminding you that you forgot to turn it on?

My actions also don’t trigger. Couldn’t see anything wrong in the code though.


So I use this blueprint for a few months and it always worked great - even when HA has been restarted meanwhile, the automation got triggered and performed the desired actions properly.

BUT for some while (noticed it first about a week ago around March 21st) all automations based on this blueprint don´t work sporadically. Today there even was NO restart of HA, only thing done was working on (other!) automations which reloaded all automations of course.

I have no idea why it doesn´t work stable anymore. Maybe a recent HA Core update changed something fundamental?

@Sbyx what would you need to debug / track down this major issue? Any ideas what to test?

After doing some tests I suspect that when automations being reloaded (either manually or by simply editing ANY automation - does not need to be one based on this blueprint!) during the appliance currently running, the action will never trigger because the automation doesn’t know (anymore) the appliance is already running. So it seems like this blueprint is not automation reloading bulletproof (anymore).

Can someone confirm this behavior? It’s very strange cause some time ago this automation/blueprint was even HA restart resistant and now it breaks as soon as you touch any automation… annoying and not very reliable! :frowning:

Any idea how to fix that…?

I‘m thinking bout a „failsafe“ workaround: a second automation which checks if the appliance is below XX watts for more than XX minutes and triggers the action of this automation. Really ugly and not that smart.“ to be honest.