NSPanel Pro - Custom android apps (working)

Thanks you so much!!!

That worked!!!

I have tried your guide and I get this:

PS C:\adb> dir
    Directory: C:\adb
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ        6021632 adb.exe
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ          97792 AdbWinApi.dll
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ          62976 AdbWinUsbApi.dll
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ         241664 dmtracedump.exe
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ         432640 etc1tool.exe
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ        1849856 fastboot.exe
-a----          1/1/2008  12:00 πμ          44032 hprof-conv.exe
-a----         15/2/2023   4:21 μμ        2116163 launcher.apk

PS C:\adb> .\adb devices -l
List of devices attached
rockchipplatform       recovery product:px30_evb model:px30_evb device:px30_evb transport_id:3

PS C:\adb> .\adb install launcher.apk
Performing Streamed Install
adb: failed to install launcher.apk: /system/bin/sh: cmd: not found

do you have something in mind?

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You are trying to install the launcher during the panel recovery process. You need to wait for the recovery process end and try during the panel loading process.


You have to wait that device is not in recovery mode and shows in the list.

I think it was after reboot.

So first it shows in recovery mode then it changes to normal mode. That is the spot you hit install laucher.

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This worked perfectly for me. THank you so much.

I got the exact same thing to start with.
Keep pushing the installation after the recovery process has completed.

That first reboot after the recovery is when to push the launcher.
I found mine took after the spinning Sonoff graphic and just as CAST comes up on the screen and it was too late once the eWelink log comes up.
I hope this narrows the timing for you.
Once pushed I completed the eWelink setup with the QR code and went to About and selected Reboot.
On the next load it gave me the option to choose launcher. I selected Always.

Once loaded in, I went to About and activated Dev mode (blah blah, you get this bit).
In the Dev Mode menu, I enabled USB debugging.

I then turned it off and put it all back together.
Now it is back together, I can continue with the great doc from blakadder using the connect command.
This allows you to continue the setup over the air and has no need for USB cables.

In summary, spam it, it will take I promise as it worked for me last night.
Spent hours on making this work, and thanks to Filya75, I had this nailed in an hour.


I found a second way to enable adb. You need an Otg USB adapter and a USB keyboard for this. This is connected to the USB port of the Nspanel. When the Nspanel is started and you press the “Windows”+“N” key on the keyboard, you get see the Quick Settings display. Here you can access the settings. There you can activate the USB in the developer options. Now the lauchner.apk can be installed via adb.


So do I understand correctly that after enabling ADB, there’s no way, to (even manually) upgrade the firmware?
That’s the only thing holding me back right now.
I don’t care about warranty or loosing support. I can live with that.

But I’m a little worried, since without updates, the risk of it getting dropped out of the App, due too old firmware or about hidden bugs in the installed firmware, never to be fixed, is something more concernable…
On the other side, in stock configuration, I would assume, that it needs to talk home/to the cloud to work as expected?

I don’t have issues playing with adb or weird shenanigans, like faking stuff in it’s network,…

I didn’t play with the thing itself so far, besides only powering it up once.
It’s planned to use 2 of them in the lower floor, where the electrical wiring gets a complete overhaul right now.

So there’s some time till they get put into use.

Main use case is to eaisly set different parameters, like for the automated blinds, LED lighting, ZigBee TRV actors, rotolock (with axis door controller), …
Maybe also displaying CCTV feed, if it can handle that.

Maybe someone can give me some heads up regarding the update situation?

Side note:
I noticed there’s more stuff on the power supply connector, it seems like it’s designed to be able to controll directly an output (probably with a different base, that got an relay on it)
Anyone played with that so far?

Also there’s some flat connector labeled HT, seems like there was some intentions about temperature and humidity…

If you rooted your device with eWelink app you wont receive any further update with official app.

I’m gonna release an app soon which enables firmware update.


Till now Ill wait till I really need the panel ( electrical wiring needs to be finished first, and the floor, and the walls,…)

So I get the latest possible update

But thanks for your response, that gives at least hope :slight_smile:

I got version 1.5.6 on the NSpanel PRO and could connect without ane USB cable.
In the eWelink app i could tap device ID 8 time and activate developer mode. Then i got the option to activate the ADB - you need to accept some terms. Then I was able to connect via TCP/IP no USB cabel used. Just the command “adb connect” (or what ever IP) from a PC on the same network.

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you found a way? any news on this?

and guys? anyone found a way of being able to send notifications to nspanel pro with hass companion?

also any ideas of how i could use the zigbee coordinator in NSPanel Pro with HASS?

Yeah I’m just received mine, updated to 1.56, enabled dev mode, and then enabled adb, connected via adb tcp, followed the latest black adder nspanel pro home assistant instructions; voila! took about 30 minutes.

This doesn’t appear to work for me with 1.5.6.

After tapping 8 times, what happened? Did the screen display a message or something?

Oh I see, you have to tap developer ID 8 times in the eWeLink app on your phone.
OK, ADB is now connected.

Thanks guys.

Also very interested in this, since I rooted it at a lower version, and V1.5.4(Feb 14th, 2023 has some promising features.

Tried factory resetting it in the eWelink phone app, in NSPanel app, but still have adb and a void warranty. :confused:

If anyone has 1.5.4 with root, can they perhaps please upload the apk? This should work:

adb shell pm path com.eWeLinkControlPanel
adb pull /data/app/com.eWeLinkControlPanel.apk /download

I had buttons to switch between apps in Lovelace as needed:

      action: call-service
      service: androidtv.adb_command
        command: >-
          adb shell monkey -p com.eWeLinkControlPanel -c
          android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
        entity_id: media_player.nspanel_pro

      action: call-service
      service: androidtv.adb_command
        command: >-
          adb shell monkey -p io.homeassistant.companion.android -c
          android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
        entity_id: media_player.nspanel_pro
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IM a little confused if honest, so here goes.

Got my NSPanelPro setup…working well apart from two aspects.

  1. The MOtion detection via FKB isn’t working as expected. It thinks something else is controlling the camera…but I have no idea what…the panel itself only allows HASS to use the camera…and my two FireTablets running FKB for HASS seem to have identical settings and work as expected without issue

So not sure what I am missing here,…but its seriously bugging me

Secondly, on my existing wall tabs, I use Browser mod to switch between screens when a doorbell rings…to show who is at the front door…works perfectly on the existing tabs again but when I try to pick the device the new Browser mod instance isnt even registering …so really not sure what is wrong there either

That said, have noticed a lot of light bleed on this one on bottom right-hand corner of the screen so returning it (as from Amazon) so will work on the replacement when it arrives…hopefully, some sort of fix for my issue by then

It’s probably a case of “woods for the trees” as I’ve been tinkering for hours tonight if honest


Started from fresh in case Ive done something wrong but after fully setting things up again I am still getting this warning…so now im a little stuck

I do not think the nspanel pro really has a camera. It does have a proximity sensor that can be used.
This is what I got together:

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ah that actually makes a bit more sense now…just misleading as the UI states it has access to the camera…

I’m having a problem. I rooted my device with eWelink app.

Everything worked fine, I had however some trouble with WebView. Decided to install official update and was able to do so.

However, now my launcher is back to original Sonoff one, and adb is disabled and cannot be enabled from the eWelink app as it still thinks it is already on. Ie. Developer mode is claimed to be in use in the app, so I cannot go there to disable and then enable ADB or try something else.

Is my device doomed to be rooted and with no possibility of adb connect?

Managed to fix this with @Filya75’s tips!