NSPanel Pro UI Design with Lovelace

what does the link say:
http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/emoji/moon/full_moon.svg - check the file location and folder permissions, the “www” is mapped to “local” and should be public.

Forecast was met.no default, but the Home Assistant or integration code has yet again changed, so it does not work for me either. Check, test and change in http://homeassistant.local:8123/developer-tools/template for what should it be: {{ states.weather.home.attributes }}

is showing full moon image

is showing:

I should charge you for one-on-one consultation :smile:

  1. Use a weather service call.
  2. Add to template:

- trigger:
    - platform: time_pattern
      hours: "/1"
    - service: weather.get_forecasts
        type: hourly
        entity_id: weather.home
      response_variable: hourlyforecast
    - name: "Weather Forecast Hourly"
      unique_id: weather_forecast_hourly
      icon: mdi:weather-cloudy-clock
      state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
        forecast: >-
          {{ hourlyforecast['weather.home']['forecast'] }}

    - platform: time_pattern
      days: "/1"
    - service: weather.get_forecasts
        type: daily
        entity_id: weather.home
      response_variable: dailyforecast
    - name: "Weather Forecast Daily"
      unique_id: weather_forecast_daily
      icon: mdi:weather-cloudy-clock
      state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
        forecast: >-
          {{ dailyforecast['weather.home']['forecast'] }}

- sensor:
    - unique_id: weather_forecast
      name: Weather Forecast
      icon: >-
        mdi:weather-{{ states('weather.home') }}
      state: >-
        {{ states('weather.home') | replace('_',' ') | capitalize }}
        forecast_high: >-
            {{ state_attr('sensor.forecast_home_hourly','forecast')[0].temperature | int(0) }}
#          {{ state_attr('sensor.weather_forecast_daily','temperature') | int(0) | default(0) }}
        forecast_low: >-
            {{ state_attr('sensor.forecast_home_hourly','forecast')[6].temperature | int(0) }}
#          {{ state_attr('sensor.weather_forecast_daily','temperature') | int(0) | default(0) }}
        entity_picture: >-
          {%- set elevation = state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') | int -%}
          {%- set rising = state_attr('sun.sun', 'rising') -%}
          {%- set azimuth = state_attr('sun.sun', 'azimuth') | int -%}          
          {% set weather = states('weather.hernes') %}
          {% if weather == 'sunny' and elevation <= 0 %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.moon_phase','entity_picture') }}
          {% else %}      
            {% if weather in ['unknown','unavailable'] %}
              /local/emoji/weather/{{ ['unicorn','sparkles','rainbow'] | random }}.svg
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}   
          {% endif %}
        emoji: >-
          {%- set elevation = state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') | int -%}
          {%- set rising = state_attr('sun.sun', 'rising') -%}
          {%- set azimuth = state_attr('sun.sun', 'azimuth') | int -%}
          {% set values = {'cloudy':'☁️','fog':'🌁','lightning-rainy':'⛈️','lightning':'🌩️','partlycloudy':'⛅','rainy':'🌧️','snowy':'❄️','snowy-rainy':'🌨️','sunny':'☀️','windy':'🌬️'} %}
          {% set value = states('weather.hernes') %}  
          {% if values[value] == '☀️' and elevation <= 0 %}
          {{ state_attr('sensor.moon_phase','emoji') }}
          {% else %}      
          {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else '🦄' }}       
          {% endif %}

I’m not sure it is ok or not but using this code:

is showing the temperature:

“Forecast low” is not that important to me

can you provide a copy of your templates.yaml file with the sensors in. :pray: :heart_hands:

Do you have information of my last post including high latency on the lovelace GUI ?