Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Well spotted, I don’t know if it makes a difference, but it’s always better to quote those. Let’s see…

Hey guys, thanks for your help.....but it didn't work....I created a new long live token, everything is in quotes now, this is the Log 
2021-08-07 19:33:58 WARNING (MainThread) [] REST result could not be parsed as JSON

2021-08-07 19:33:58 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable error: 'value_json' is undefined when rendering '{% set ns = namespace() %} {% set ns.callback_list = [] %} {% if (value_json.callbacks | count) > 0 %}

{% set hook = states('input_text.nuki_bridge_callback_url') %}

{% for callback in value_json.callbacks %}

{% if hook == (callback.url|urlencode) %}

{% set ns.callback_list = ns.callback_list + [ ] %}

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% endif %} {{ ns.callback_list }}'

2021-08-07 19:34:23 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202108032] :0:0 Script error.

2021-08-07 19:35:06 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202108032] :0:0 Script error.

Entering the entity, nothing is shown (before there was a hint that the entity is disconnected, now comment nothing in logs)


can you show me the whole lovelace card? which sensors work and which don’t?

I’m out of ideas for you…can’t understand what’s going on, sorry. you’re the only one with this problem.

Hi Peter,
your posts are hard to read because you’re formating the text as you’ld with scripts, means someone has to “scroll” to the right to read the whole line.
Instead of a text with wordwrap like:

Hey guys, thanks for your help…but it didn’t work…I created a new long live token, everything is in quotes now, this is the Log

we get this:

Hey guys, thanks for your help.....but it didn't work....I created a new long live token, everything is in quotes now, this is the Log 


so, ONLY the callback sensor doesn’t work? but the callback is configured ok in the bridge, so it actually should call back. When you open the door what happens?

Did you modify the secrets with the double-quotes?

Ok Joerg, thank you. I indeed have problem with formatting. I don’t understand the system of formatting here. Is this now ok or not?

I checked it. Double quotes are there. What do you exactly want to know: What happens, when i open the door with the card or by hand?

when you open the door manually, does the sensor update showing the open door?

you just write for simple text. if you want to paste CODE or LOGS, paste it, then select it, and click the </> tag so it formats it properly.

No sensor shows up closed; even if i lock the door or open the door with the card the Lock action is not triggered. it is triggered Minutes later. but I can open, unlatch and lock the door with the card

Usually you just write - no need for formating, except when you want to emphase text (bold, colour, etc)
For scripts or text from logs use this grafik and do as you been told:

type or paste code here

because the callback doesn’t arrive.

but if the bridge is configured like you shown here, it SHOULD arrive. So the bridge call is never reaching HA.

Show me the log of the bridge:

curl -X GET 'http://BRIDGE_IP:8080/log?token=yyyxxx'

Joerg, what bridge fw version are you using? I’m on beta so I don’t know if he’s using an old version or not…

yesterday when you showed me the 4 secrets, double-quotes were not there. did you add them after?

I definitively added them. I can show them to if you want…The log of the bridge is really long…I send it in a few minutes

There is more stuff…is this enough for the moment?

http-post is when the bridge does the callback, via an HTTP POST to HA. So the callback is active. If it doesn’t show on HA it means your long-lived token is not correct, or the callback is never reaching HA.