Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)


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I have no idea regarding this error. In the screenshot you posted it is shown that the callback IS connected.
Rename the packages folder to something else or delete the yaml in there and restart HA just to make sure the automation error is not from any other integration.

btw: if there is this error it means you are not able to restart HA, right?

Good to know this worked for you :slight_smile:

Deleted the yaml and the error doesn’t show anymore so it’s definately a problem trying to load the package yaml.

HA restarts normal but throws up this error when starting or restarting automations.

The callback looks likes it’s connected but I know the whole but never updates the lock status and as you can see the lock status is greyed out

Okay. Double check the LL for the webhook and the strings in secrets.yaml. I myself had several times a copy and paste error with LLs in the past, even when I thought I did everything right.
And what FW is on the bridge, it’s not to seen in the screenshot.

Double and triple checked the LL and it’s correct.

The firmware on the bridge is 2.9.3

Why is the lock greyed out? If I unlock or lock the door nothing is updated. The only time anything is updated is when I restart HA

I can’t understand the Invalid config error

It is somewhere in the automation section of the nuki_card_callback.yaml because if I delete that section of the yaml file the error is not present when I restart HA

Yes, seems so. It reads f.e. the webhook
webhook_id: !secret nuki_bridge_webhook
and other parameters like the callback_url. That’s why I asked you to check all again.

Enable debug logging for the webhook and automation. let’s see if this is leading us somewhere.
In configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.webhook: debug
    homeassistant.components.automation: debug

And what FW is on the bridge, it’s not to see in the screenshot.

Bridge Firmware is 2.9.3

Okay, I missed that in the other post of yours.

Ok what am I looking for in the logger and where is it logged

For the webhook: as Ales wrote: if we see nothing, the callback is never arriving.
For the automation I hoped we will see a bit more, like a line and column number or so.

So where are the logs you want to to show

I guess in Configuration → logs

so you want me to post all my logs for everything in HA?

no, you search for webhook and automation warnings or errors. Before that you might clear it and restart HA.

Do you have an automation called Nuki Card Callback?

No that is what I have saying. The automation are not being created because there is a config error within the yaml file in packages

Do you keep your automations in an own yaml file?

yes its called automations