Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Just to make sure: after you’re doing changes, you always check and clean the bridge when there have been invalid callbacks?

This is the nuki_card_callback.yaml, as you can see it is indented correctly as it’s your file

Did you forget to copy it too or where are your secrets?

Did I forget to copy what? The file is in the folder packages

My secrets are in my secrets.yaml as per the instructions

It’s not to see in the screenshot. Means what you showed us is just a clipping of your configuration.yaml

As I have said all along it states the error is in the automation (Invalid config). I have set up numerous automations and they all work correctly. For some reason it will not load the automation contained within nuki_card_callback.yaml

The sensors have loaded so it must be reading the file contained within the folder “packages”

I have reordered my config.yaml as suggested but I always receive the same error and the automation never gets configured in my automations

I have completly removed everything and set up from the start.

the automation is still not getting setup however the nuki card appears to be ok when HA first starts or when I reload the rest entities and notify services they update. Does the automation update the Nuki Card values?

This is an automation configured in a package, not the same thing. It should be parsed like the other automations, if configured correctly. The error message you have is clear: the ID option does not exist means that indentation is not correct. Since many users installed it and have never had this issue, this is something specific to your setup. We just need to understand what is causing it, but the error is pretty clear. If you search the forum for the same error, it’s always indentation errors.

The package contains and automation, plus binary sensors, normal sensors, lock template sensor, etc. your problem is the parsing of the automation configuration, and that’s crucial for Nuki Card to work. The fact that it’s reading the file doesn’t mean you have done everything correctly.

The callback is managed by the automation as a trigger, and it updates all the values, if the automation is not configured, it will never work correctly, as I told you in previous posts.

please, post your nuki_card_callback.yaml file and configuration.yaml file on pastebin or sites like that, so we can analyze the contents, screenshots mean nothing, because you can’t see if there are strange characters in some lines, etc.

Also: in your automations.yaml file, your automations have an ID option configured, right?

He’s referring to configuration.yaml, not the nuki card code. You still didn’t post the contents of neither files, only screenshot of one of them.

BTW: what version of HA are you running?

Joerg, his problem is that the automation is not being setup correctly, nothing to do with the bridge configuration. At least for now…:slight_smile:

Hi Alessandro,
hope you enjoy your vacation.
I thought so too, but I also believe him, when he’s saying that the indentations are okay.

Solved it.

I updated to the latest version of HA and everything worked. Strange though as mine was only about 4 months old.

Thanks again for all help

That’s why I asked what version were you running. I think you had a pretty old version.

Glad it’s working for you now.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy(ed) yours. And thanks for all the support you give to other people while I’m not around, I appreciate it.

Yes, thanks we had a good time.
Well, I try to give my best and sometimes it’s a struggle like with nofuse until I asked him (in PM) why he is not updating his HA.

Now I have a issue, but this can wait until you are back.

I’m sorry to bother you @mahikeulbody, but I read the threads, but couldn’t find any answer.
My problem is I use nginx with duckdns and I access (both internally or externally) via https. I have nginx configured like in your post #391 and I don’t get any callback connection. Is there any chance you help me to config nginx for callbacks? Thank you!

EDIT: I finally managed to configure nginx to have internal connection on http and it worked, but I had to uninstall and delete things from nuki and nginx and duckdns. Now works again!

I followed the instructions but the Nuki Bridge Callback was always unavailable and sensors where not updating.
The only way i got it working was when i run the Polling script manuel for 1 time.
Now i have Nuki Bridge Callback Connected and can use the Card :slight_smile:

When you (re)start HA the script is called the first time, then it’s called every time a callback is received.

So if something didn’t work at startup, a restart should do the trick.

Maybe in next version I’ll introduce a timer…but I’d prefer to avoid it.