Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Unfortunately the callback is sent by the bridge only at the end of the action. Your lock takes 3-4s to do its thing. :slight_smile:

How long does the door sensor take to update?

Too bad it takes that long :smiley: I dont use the door sensor as I dont have a need for it. Its still in the box :joy:

You don’t have the need to know if the door’s open? Strange. :slight_smile:

Well are doing well without the sensor. Of course it would be a nice addon - but tell that the offspring - eagerly waiting for sticky-taped things to pull down :joy: so for now, the sensor stays in the box for the next couple of years… :wink:

You put it on the inside of the door, not on the outside…It has been offspring also here a couple of times…but the darn thing is still sticked there tightly, on the inside of the door. 3M does very sticky things. :rofl:

Any news on this?

You can already install the component, it’s working fine.

Thanks for your Feedback! Is there any disadvantage using it instead of your card?

No, only advantages. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, feel free to give it a try: GitHub - kvj/hass_nuki_ng: Better support for Nuki devices in the Home Assistant

It’s HACS ready now and pretty stable

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what’s the difference between the 4 door states and what values can they have?

In the custom component there are 3 sensors related to door: the bottom 2 of the pic are ONLY for the door, one is a binary sensor the other is a normal descriptive sensor. The one above (security state) is a sensor that takes into account the state of the door AND the state of the lock.

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Awesome work! Thanks for that!

But one idea and question.
Is it possible to read the keypad or get information if the door is closed by keypad or the door is opened by keypad?

So if i go out, lock the door with the keypad, than the alarmsystem in home assistant can activated.
When i come back, typing in my code, than it disarm the alarmsystem?

I mean that would be the nicest system ever :smiley:

Is something like that possible or is it only available to activate/deactivate keypad system with button?
I see my keypad with web api token in home assistant but i dont know how i can check or know if the door was locked or unlocked by keypad

No, there’s no API in the bridge that tells you the source of the lock/unlock command.

But is there a way to get information if that signal to lock or unlock comes from keypad or any source where the call comes from?

If that is so, that would make so big step to awesome system^^

we communicate with the Bridge, not with the devices. The devices communicate with the bridge via BLE (Bluetooth). We have no idea of the devices, apart what the bridge tells us.

Hm okay! But anyway, nice work and thanks for the work!

There is a Feature Request on Nuki dev forums for what you ask, maybe one day the Bridge API will be extended with that info.


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Ciao Alessandro

I have a strange thing going on here, which was introduced with this Nuki Card.
Our door locks automatically at a certain time of the evening (Nuki night mode of Nuki Lock). When I check the log book entries, I can see the following

    • Nuki Lock Action locked through Nuki Card Callback
    • 1s later: Nuki Lock Action unlocked through Nuki Card Callback
    • 7s later: Nuki Lock Action locked through Nuki Card Callback

The above does not happen during a normal lock or unlock, only when the night mode is enabled - any ideas?

I started noticing this because I get a push msg when the lock is locked - now I get 2 push messages. Of course I could refactor the push notification part but I’d rather have it fixed that there are not 2 resp. 3 callbacks.

Thanks for your help


what you’re seeing there, if the action has not been initiated by Nuki Card but by the Night Mode, is the change of states that the bridge sends via callback to Nuki Card. I don’t know exactly what are the specific actions Night Mode executes, but if the bridge calls telling Nuki Card that the state is Locked, then after 1s Unlocked, then after 7s Locked, it’s because an external service is sending commands to the lock, and Nuki Card receives the state changes from the bridge.

I strongly adviced to not use Nuki Card AND other apps that manage the lock, because these kind of things can happen. After first configuration, I disabled the Nuki app on my mobile phone, and I do every action using Nuki Card / Nuki component. If you want to automate lock at a specific time, you can do it through an automation.

Another thing: start using the custom component, I uninstalled Nuki Card, and am now using the component. I still didn’t close this thread because many people are still using Nuki Card and will come here for support.

Here’s the component developed by @kvj : GitHub - kvj/hass_nuki_ng: Better support for Nuki devices in the Home Assistant

There’s no support thread for the component, but if you have problems you can write in this thread, we will monitor it.

Let me know how it goes…