Nuki Card with Callback support (supports both Lock & Opener, it replaces the official integration)

Yes, uninstall Nuki Card, then clean all orphaned entities. Then install the component.

Removed everything and installed the component. Easy install and is working great (fast response).
Thanks for this integration!


I created a blueprint for the combination of a Dahua VTO and Nuki. With this blueprint you’re able to open the door from within the DMSS app on your phone. It’s based on the “Nuki NG” and “Home Assistant Dahua Integration” integrations.

First of all, thank you for your work, you have made a very good lovelace card.
I would like to perform the [unlatch] and [lock] actions with a custom button card.
What are the call a service parameters like?

Fast response was ok also with the automation, if it wasn’t fast there was some issue in your case. :slight_smile:

Anyway, glad that now you solved with the component.

Thanks for your kind words: it’s not a lovelace card, it’s a big/complex automation. Lovelace card is only the presentation layer, the easy part. :slight_smile:

Regarding your request:

You should be covered. Keep in mind that now there’s a custom component for this, called Nuki NG: GitHub - kvj/hass_nuki_ng: Better support for Nuki devices in the Home Assistant

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Hi Jeroen,

it’s a small world: I have the Dahua VTO in my to-buy list too. :slight_smile:

Which specific model are you using? I’m getting a little bit confused because they seem to have 3-4 different camera models and monitors…and I didn’t analyze everything in detail yet.

Hi Alex,

I have the VTO2202F-P bought via Ali… I have installed it in the wall, not on the wall, that is with the flush box. I paid aroud 137 euros for the package. The P in the type number stands for POE, so I also bought a switch for it.

I also created an automation to take a snapshot every time someone rings the door.

The camera is also attached to my Synology, which will save a movie when a movement is detected.

137 for everything, switch and monitor included? Wow, that’s a bargain. I’ll ask you for details in DM. :slight_smile:

I’m using Frigate and now I added Double Take by @Jako, so now I can do automations based on face recognition. You might want to take a look at it. :wink:

I have a Synology too…a now old DS12812+, with 48TB of usable storage, mainly for movies and media stuff, and it’s at 80% of capacity now. But I love that NAS, if it was a more powerful model, I’d run HA on it. :slight_smile:

The 137 was only for the VTO and flush box. The switch, I bought separately overhere in NL. I didn’t buy the monitor because for me, my phone is enough. You can use the DMSS app to view the camera and speak to the person at the door and with my Synology DS216J as said, I can save the movies.

BTW, if you by via ali, be sure to choose a shop that delivers from within the EU, otherwise you’ll have to pay custom fees and taxes.

Yes, I already bought some stuff on Ali…I always make sure it’s shipped from EU.

When I’ll buy it, I’ll ask your support for the HA integration. :slight_smile:

I am using the new custom component and it is working great so far.
Thanks for your efforts @kvj.

Is there any possibilty to change the lock from unlock to unlatch the door?

while testing the component I asked @kvj about this on Discord: here’s the problem, and it’s not the component, it’s lovelace.

custom component locks have three actions out-of-the-box: open, lock and unlock. So it’s available right from the beginning. Unfortunately, lovelace UI isn’t smart enough to show all three, and I was thinking about fixing it there, rather than breaking the semantic of the hass

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To anyone interested in Nuki 3 and Nuki 3 Pro, I recommend reading this thread on nuki dev forum.

From what I understood: Local API is available only through the bridge. I asked some questions about old bridges compatibility etc.

Hope they don’t break compatibility with current APIs…

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Hi @alexdelprete, I was still on the your previous Nuki card and moved to hacs integration.

Even if the connection with the bridge worked I only see 3 entities that are doing nothing.

My setup is a bridge+lock+opener+keypad

Also tried to delete and reinstall and reboot several time with no success.

Can I test something?

This is the integration placeholder BTW.



Thanks for your reply Alessandro.

Since I don’t need the lovelace entity (I use button cards that link to scripts) it’s fine for me. I just changed the action from lock.unlock to now.

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Glad to know you easily solved the problem.

If you want, in order to help new users, it would be helpful to share the code you use to make the buttons for the lock. As an example.


please do this:

  1. Check log to see if there are errors.
  2. Show me the 3 entities, from the screenshot I can’t see anything.
  3. What HA version are you running?
  4. Be sure there’s no other integration communicating with the bridge etc. uninstall and clean, and double-check that everything’s clean.

The component is working perfectly, so you have a specific issue with your setup.

Let me know…

Hi there,

first of all thanks for the great work you invested in adopting Nuki to HA!

I followed your guide but somehow the integration does not work.
I see no errors in the logs. My HA Version is 2021.11.1
The Nuki Bridge and Lock are on the latest Firmware.
The basic Nuki Integration is deleted and not running in parallel. Anything I don’t see?

Best regards


After configuring the integration the callback added is like :
…“url”: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/nuki_ng_bridge_hook_4…

Seems like the bridge does not (allways) resolve homeassistant.local (mentioned already in this topic) so I added a second callback url with the ipaddress of homeassistant and now the callback is (allmost) instantly received in homeassistant.

Can I set/configure something so the callback url added by the integration is getting the ipadress instead of the name of homeassistant?
