Numeric State not triggering

Hi, I’m trying to have my thermostat mode set to cool if the outdoor temp is above 70F and heat if it’s below that. Here is what I have:

`alias: Thermostat Mode
description: Changes tstat to cool if outside temp goes above 70 else heat

  • platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.kslc_temperature
    above: 70
    below: 70
    condition: []
  • if:
    • condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.kslc_temperature
      above: 70
    • device_id: 4058b827b539dfaf2d26782a4eb59aa6
      domain: climate
      entity_id: 42ed93fd5cbed252b5a275eac087e93c
      type: set_hvac_mode
      hvac_mode: cool
    • device_id: 4058b827b539dfaf2d26782a4eb59aa6
      domain: climate
      entity_id: 42ed93fd5cbed252b5a275eac087e93c
      type: set_hvac_mode
      hvac_mode: heat
      mode: single`

It works if I manually run it, but it never triggers on it’s own. The sensor.kslc_temperature is from the National Weather Service integration. Being a HA newbie and a non-programmer, I could really use some help! Thanks.

Have you tried separating your trigger into two parts - two triggers - one for above and one for below?

I think your single combined trigger is the problem.

Your sensor can not be both above AND below 70 at the same time. Use two numeric state triggers.

Thank you both! Separating it into two different triggers solved the problem. I appreciate your willingness to help.