Occupancy simulator installation

I have not api_key for appdaemon
where I can create it?

in home assistant configuration you need

  api_password: your_key

in the HASS section from appdaemon you need

      type: hass
      ha_url: your_working_url
      ha_key: your_key

you had that already, so why did you change that?

it is already ok … but the new HA need user login and here isn’t the user

  threads: 10
  app_dir: /config/appdaemon/apps
      type: hass
      ha_url: http://hassio.local:8123
      ha_key: !secret api_password

correct. and you dont use user and password but the api_password that is set in the configuration from HA.

your version from appdaemon still uses the old way to login to HA.

From what I can tell, yes 1 day, but you set a time after 12 am for it to reset on its own. So technically it should work indefinitly if setup correctly, when they talk about “no setting past 12 am” they mean you cant be on day 1, and set day 2, 3 am, turn the light on, get it? it would have to be set Morning, start time, 3 am, light on. (and ye sthen this would happen everyday, or if set to random it could possibly happen in the set time.