Octopus Energy Integration: Display graph of usage?

In simple terms, Home Assistant uses ‘sensor entities’ that hold ‘state values’, almost all of which are created (registered with HA) by the various ‘integrations’. The creating integration (some of which are built-in) is then responsible for updating the entity state.

Here, we are using the Octopus Energy (Bottlecap Dave) integration. There is quite a lot going on in this integration, and it can be worth reading the documentation if you want to get the most from it. To get a graphical display of usage to work requires many things to be set correctly.

The entity sensors we require here are the previous accumulative consumption (electricity / gas) and the documentation for this can be found at


Note the warning message - the latest data is always for yesterday and may not arrive until very late in the day.

I note that in the latest version 10+ we now have “latest available data timestamp” attribute in this sensor, which should indicate if the consumption values now relate to yesterday (updated) or the day before (yet to update)

Since there is a limit on how many API calls can be made to Octopus Energy each day, the call to update the previous consumption figures will clearly only happen infrequently.


The integration also includes a service call that can be used to force a refresh (useful where you have just added the integration and would like existing data to be loaded into the sensors).


To get the data for yesterday to arrive into the sensor

  • Octopus has to read the meter and update your account meter reading history. This only happens during the early morning to late afternoon
  • The integration has to make the necessary API call to obtain the latest meter readings / consumption. This only happens every 30 minutes or so.
  • The integration has to process the data and update the sensor.

My electricity consumption has only just updated, and I am still waiting for the gas figures. For most days, I only get to see “yesterday” for gas during the late afternoon-evening, and yesterday my gas figures updated just before midnight, which makes for little practical use. For this reason, the integration configuration allows for changing the previous consumption days offset from 1 (yesterday) to 2 (the day before yesterday) or greater - which would show a full day of figures all day, but for the day before yesterday.

So… here is my latest Octopus Electricity (Import) previous consumption sensor - attributes. You will see that it was last evaluated at 15:37, which is when the graph actually updated with yesterdays figures because the integration actually found something new. The data was last retrieved at 17:37 (which is the integration just going around every 30 minutes looking to see if anything has changed). And the ‘latest available data timestamp’ shows 01:00, which is midnight last night (UTC - BST difference) when the end of yesterday’s figures comes to (allowing for the fact that the consumption figures end at 23:00 yesterday and not midnight).

I am sure that Albert Einstein would have no problems at all understanding this ‘smart meter’ stuff.

I think there must be something wrong with the comms with Octopus, as there’s nothing sensible in the “previous accumulation consumption” entity. (There are three - total, offpeak and onpeak and a similar effect is on all of them…so probably no surprise that I haven’t got a graph

There is, as I said, a lot going on in this integration, and it is worth going through the documentation if you want to get the best from it (and if you want to get it to work).

If we look at the / each electricity meter device for each account, there are 21 sensor entities created by the integration.

  • current rate
  • previous rate
  • next rate
  • current day rates
  • previous day rates
  • next day rates
  • off peak
  • previous accumulative consumption
  • previous accumulative consumption (peak rate)
  • previous accumulative consumption (off peak rate)
  • previous accumulative cost
  • previous accumulative cost (peak rate)
  • previous accumulative cost (off peak rate)
  • previous consumption day rates
  • current consumption
  • current demand
  • current accumulative consumption
  • current accumulative consumption (peak rate)
  • current accumulative consumption (off peak rate)
  • current accumulative cost
  • current accumulative cost (peak rate)
  • current accumulative cost (off peak rate)
  • tariff overrides

This is very impressive, however for someone like myself who is on standard rate, there is no peak and off peak. Hence my peak rate and off peak rate sensors are all disabled and do not work.

The current rate comes from my tariff. On an Agile tariff, previous and next make sense, on a fixed rate tariff they don’t - again these sensors are disabled and/or do not work.

The current consumption figures all come from my Octopus Mini - and if you don’t have one of those then nothing will appear in all of these sensors.

The previous consumption figures all come from the smart meter. If you don’t have a smart meter, or if the integration cannot work out that this is a smart meter, then it cannot pull the smart meter readings (they don’t exist).

For your sensor in your picture, which is previous accumulative consumption (off peak), the docs say this sensor (state value) is

The total consumption reported by the meter for the previous day that applied during off peak hours. This will only be populated if you’re on a tariff with two available rates.

Assuming you have a smart meter
Assuming you have a tariff with off peak periods
For yesterday, assuming you consumed 1.92 kWh during your off peak period (say 02:00 to 05:00) then sometime today the integration will update this sensor state to report that yesterday, off peak, you used 1.92 kWh.

If you look at the documentation, you will also see that this ‘off peak’ sensor does not have an attribute array of consumption figures. If you want a nice graph of consumption, then only the previous accumulated consumption sensor has the charges attribute holding the consumption array (from which we get the graph).

For reference see:

In simple terms, you can’t graph 1.92 kWh.

You can graph the previous_accumulative_consumption (charges attribute) array.

Here is my sensor (previous accumulative consumption)
Here is the state value - 1.074 kWh used yesterday

Here are the attributes, including ‘is smart meter’ - true, and ‘charges’ - which holds an array of consumption figures.
That is what we are plotting in the graph.

And yes, if you look closely, the periods start at 2024-04-24T23:00 (this is UTC), and the array then covers 2024-04-25, which happens to be yesterday, and my graph works.

Here is a copy of my current, working, configuration. You only need to change the xxxxx_xxxxx part to match your mpan and meter serial number.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Octopus Electricity Import - Yesterday
  last_updated: true
graph_span: 24h
  start: day
  offset: '-1d'
  - entity: >-
    data_generator: |
      let array = entity.attributes.charges;
      let final = [];
      let i=0;
      let j=0;
      for (i=0; i<array.length-1; i=i+2){
        final[j] = [new Date(array[i].start).getTime(), array[i].consumption + array[i+1].consumption];
      return final;
    type: column
    color: purple
  - min: 0
    max: '|+0.5|'

I’m sure the data_generator code could be refactored to make it neater…

Thankyou - that was really helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this - and I have discovered a useful new area of the Home Assistant site - the Developer Tools ‘State’ page! I checked that, and I have data in there, for the accumulative consumption, just like you do. I checked the code I have in the the card, and it looks correct. I carefully checked the sensor name, in case I have any syntax errors, and it looks perfect. So I copied/pasted the sensor name from the ‘States’ page into the Card code, and lo and behold a chart appears!! So I really don’t know why that is - maybe there is a zero where there should be a letter O or something like that. The chart is blank, but I’m guessing that’s because it’s waiting for new data to be uploaded, so I’ll give it 24hours and see if that data appears in the chart, but it’s certainly looking like we’re getting somewhere!

It’s working! the graph has now appeared. And I understand a bit more about Home Assistant than I did yesterday. Thankyou for all your help!

Can I thank you, I couldn’t figure out how to get the bar chart until I found your post.

I modded it a bit to show both usage and cost per hour. simple.

But I was wondering if you or anyone could help, I would like to show a 3rd bar showing an accumulating cost on the bar chart as the day progresses, at the moment it is showing cost for each hour which I also want to show. I just can’t work it out, any idea’s what code I would use

The data generator uses JavaScript, which is executed using the JS engine inside the web browser you are using to display your Home Assistant dashboard.

JavaScript is a prescriptive language, in that you have to tell it (prescribe) how to do what you want, and we therefore need to start with an algorithm that, when executed, will get the result.

If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for an accumulative costs value for the time up to and including each hour plotted.

Thus, for a given hour h [00 to 23]
the accumulated cost value is the sum of each cost value for hours 0 to h
cost value = entity.attributes.charges.cost [ array index = 0 to 2*h +1]

e.g. for the hour 3, we want to sum costs in array 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 being eight half-hour periods.

This algorithm can be described as
“for each hour from 0 to 23, create the timestamp and also sum the costs for the part of the cost array up to and including the given hour”

which, in meta code, is something like

for hour = 0 to 23
  time = get_timestamp(hour)
  cost = 0
  for index = 0 to 2*hour +1
      cost = cost + cost_array[index].cost
  final_array[hour] = [time, cost]

This should be easy to code in JavaScript, but it is clear that we are summing the same part of the array multiple times, so a more efficient algorithm would be to keep a running cumulative total as we go

cost = 0
for hour = 0 to 23
  time = get_timestamp(hour)
  index = 2*hour
  cost = cost + cost_array[index].cost + cost_array[index+1].cost
  final_array[hour] = [time, cost]

This uses the ‘hour’ to iterate over the cost_array, but we can iterate over the array itself, hence the following as a basic modification to the code already posted in this thread should do the job for us

    data_generator: |
      let array = entity.attributes.charges;
      let final = [];
      let i=0;
      let j=0;
      let cc=0;
      for (i=0; i<array.length-1; i=i+2){
        cc = cc + array[i].cost + array[i+1].cost;
        final[j] = [new Date(array[i].start).getTime(), cc];
      return final;

I note that the Octopus Integration has changed a bit, so the time period costs are held in


and the equivalent ‘_current_accumulative_cost’ entity as an array under attribute ‘charges’

Also the “£” has now been removed so we no longer need to substring(1) to remove it.

I have tested this as best I can!

Since you are plotting both consumption (kWh) and cost (GBP) on the same graph, you may wish to consider using two different axes. Since the cumulative cost will climb during the day, to prevent the graph from becoming unreadable for the smaller hourly figures, I would personally try having the hourly consumption and hourly costs on one axis, and the cumulative on another axis.

The multi-Y axis options are documented here


Thanks, that was basically what I had but I kept getting an error saying element unavailable or something and I thought I was doing something wrong, after a couple of attempts it accepted it.

I played with the y axis options as well but in the end I think it looks better having two graphs, one for the hourly usage/cost and then another for ‘day so far’ using line graph showing usage/cost as the day goes on.

Hi @iamgrog68

If possible, would you be able to share your Energy Charts YAML code please? I’ve just started my Home Assistant and Octopus Energy Journey and set a bunch of stuff up, but when it comes to charts like these i am lost!

Appreciate any help


I’ve used the apex charts addon as described further above in this thread and then in the apex chart card the following shows my usage and cost for today, I have the Octopus Mini so get todays usage, if you don’t then you need to use previous sensor instead of current. You also need to change the xxxxx_xxxxx part to match your mpan and meter serial number.

  - id: first
    min: 0
    max: '|+0.25|'
    decimals: 2
    show: true
      tickAmount: 12
        text: kWh
  - id: second
    min: 0
    max: '|+0.25|'
    opposite: true
    show: true
    decimals: 2
      tickAmount: 12
        text: GBP
  stroke_width: 4
  show: true
  title: Electricity Used - Today by hour
  last_updated: true
graph_span: 24h
  start: day
  offset: '-'
  - entity: >-
    name: Hourly Usage
    yaxis_id: first
    data_generator: |
      let array = entity.attributes.charges;
      let final = [];
      let i=0;
      let j=0;
      for (i=0; i<array.length-1; i=i+2){
        final[j] = [new Date(array[i].start).getTime(), array[i].consumption + array[i+1].consumption];
      return final;
    type: column
    color: purple
  - entity: >-
    yaxis_id: second
    name: Hourly cost
    data_generator: |
      let array = entity.attributes.charges;
      let final = [];
      let i=0;
      let j=0;
      for (i=0; i<array.length-1; i=i+2){
        final[j] = [new Date(array[i].start).getTime(), array[i].cost + array[i+1].cost];
      return final;
    type: column
    color: pink
    float_precision: 2

Is it possible to get this to show daily/weekly/monthly using same style layout?

The Octopus integration provides in a sensor attribute the consumption reading array for a) yesterday from the ‘smart’ meter data and b) today from the Octopus Mini device if you have one. There is no other long-term data held in this integration.

Home Assistant keeps historic data, but only for 10 days by default, and there may be a challenge to get at the historic attribute arrays.

Naturally all your meter records are held by Octopus, and can be pulled down for any period just by using an API call. You may find that using Node-RED is an easier approach to run the data manipulation required to turn an array of half-hourly consumption figures into the format required for a daily/weekly/monthly graph.

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Hi Thank-you so much for taking the time to explain. It obviously makes sense now why I could’nt find a resolution. I have used Node Red a little in the past but not gone as far as pulling an API. If there is any sample Node Red code that I could work with that would be really helpful.
Many thanks for advice.

This is what I use to pull down the electricity consumption for the past year as monthly summary values.

[{"id":"573e58aa245d6685","type":"change","z":"7021f7d89ccb8403","name":"Setup - Import","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"Import","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"{}","tot":"json"},{"t":"set","p":"mpan","pt":"msg","to":"*mpan goes here*","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":240,"y":360,"wires":[["acb3b14fc6a5f4a5"]]},{"id":"acb3b14fc6a5f4a5","type":"change","z":"7021f7d89ccb8403","name":"Parms","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"meter","pt":"msg","to":"*meter number goes here*","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"apikey","pt":"msg","to":"*your Octopus API key goes here*","tot":"str"},{"t":"set","p":"payload.page_size","pt":"msg","to":"12","tot":"num"},{"t":"set","p":"payload.group_by","pt":"msg","to":"month","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":390,"y":360,"wires":[["634f5725a55f7515"]]},{"id":"634f5725a55f7515","type":"template","z":"7021f7d89ccb8403","name":"URL","field":"url","fieldType":"msg","format":"handlebars","syntax":"mustache","template":"https://{{apikey}}:@api.octopus.energy/v1/electricity-meter-points/{{mpan}}/meters/{{meter}}/consumption","output":"str","x":510,"y":360,"wires":[["680b6f02d6a927cb"]]},{"id":"680b6f02d6a927cb","type":"http request","z":"7021f7d89ccb8403","name":"GET","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":"query","url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","insecureHTTPParser":false,"authType":"","senderr":false,"headers":[],"x":630,"y":360,"wires":[["f32c3b7ac3a9292f"]]},{"id":"f32c3b7ac3a9292f","type":"change","z":"7021f7d89ccb8403","name":"Results","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"payload.results","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":760,"y":360,"wires":[[]]}]

You just need to get your personal (keep it secret) API key. See your Octopus account > Personal Details > Developer settings.

Your MPAN and Meter number will be on your billing statement.

You can use the ‘group by’ and ‘page size’ parameters to get exactly what you want.

Documentation can be found at https://developer.octopus.energy/rest/