OdroidN2+ (Blue) USB Bluetooth

try to downgrade HA OS to 7.0 if you are on newer version. I have wired Bluetooth issues on newer versions. I’m using TP-link UB400.

I actually did have MAC randomization turned on (honestly didn’t realize that was a thing on Android - must be new with Android 12?) I have disabled it off on both the phones when connected to my home network.

I have restarted/rebooted everything. No change. Manually scanned for new devices with bluetoothctl. I see the phone MACS in the list of discovered devices, but still no device tracker in HA. Ran short of time, maybe I’ll see if manually pairing them helps tonight when I get home.

Thanks for the command suggestion. I’ll play around with that when I get a chance and see if I can get something working.

Hello, could anyone recommend a BT 5.0 USB dongle working with HassOS on Odroid C4? Thanks

@yada75 @blackie333 - The Bluetooth document on HA website has a list of known working BT adapters. I hope those help.

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Just wanted to add in my experience with this so far.
I used a Plugable brand USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 adapter

For me I plugged in the device and tried to add the bluetooth integration but it said none was found.

Restarted HA.

Went to devices and services and searched for bluetooth. Before I manually clicked bluetooth to add a new device was discovered for bluetooth in the background of that window. I closed the add integration window where I search and click configure on the device found.

Almost immediately after adding that discovered device, another discovered device showed up for iBeacon Tracker with the configure button.

Hope this helps someone trying new adapters and not knowing what to expect.