OEG KMS solarboiler data 2 MQTT home assistant

Hi Harko, I think you have to change “COM3” into “/dev/tty…” (check the correct connected port with lsUSB command).
I did not use the portnumber 8123 in the broker address, only IP-address of HA.

Did you edit and move the oeg_kmsd.service file in the /lib/systemd/system/ directory?
By the way, I think it is better to remove your login from this screenshot.

thanx! this is the output; what do I enter /dev/tty ??

Is your OEG connected to your PI already?

yes it is! The OEG KSW is connected via USB to the Pi zero

but it doesn’t show up when I say lsusb so there is a connection problem?

Sorry Harko, you have use the command (see post from Robert):
sudo python -m serial.tools.miniterm

No ports found? I’m stuck…frustrating :slight_smile:
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-25 om 08.15.07


i’ve got my HA OEG integration up and running. Works like a charm!
But i want to get some more input form my KSW. There is a 3-way valve which is controlled. This valve ‘enables’ the heating system to get heat from the solar boiler or shut it off.

The Value is displayed as R1. can someone help me find it in the modbus protocol?

Kind regards