Official Honeywell evohome/Round Thermostat integration (EU-only)

It’s probably full of bugs…

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It went through a week of beta, no? Are you advising me to hold off or will it at least work for basic things still and only the new services will be buggy?

No - go for it! (it was a joke) - if there are any bugs, it will affect only the service bit.

It seems no one does any testing, but for me.

A bit mixed message but I will ;-).

I will love to test the new service calls. sicne i am new with home assistant (just 2 months of experience) i didn’t dare to use the beta channels.

Heating is one of those areas I don’t like to take too many chances with in the middle of winter in Prague, but if I at least know my heat will still work, I love to test it… Beta sounds a little too scary though…

If i understand correctly, this integration is also for the Honeywell Round Connected?

I’m still looking for another thermostat, so i’m researching which thermostat i will buy, that is not too expensive.

Or do you guys advice the honeywell lyric t6, with the integration that has been made?

You haven’t supplied enough information for me too to answer fully but…

The evohome integration supports +anything+ that is accessable by the the total connect comfort website, as stated at:

This would include, for example, a system were two round thermostats are connected to a rfg100 gateway. I understand there is a maximum of 2 - although most people only have 1 - round thermostats in this scenario.

It does not support any Honeywell system that is not accessible via that website.

I have no information regarding the lyric system.

Ok, the Round Connected does use TCC, so it should be compatible. That verified it for me, thanks!

The lyric T6 doesnt use TCC, but there has been made an integration in another topic.

i have upgraded to 0.105.1, but i do not understand how the service calls work.
i have an automation to set the temperature in the bedroom to 10 degrees with a notify component. i get a notification when i trigger the automation, but the temperature setting does not change. this is my automation:

- alias: enocean_test
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.windowhandle_slaapkamer_raam
    from: 'closed'
    to: 'open'
    - service: notify.admin_notify
        title: raam slaapkamer
        message: >
          raamkruk just changed from {{ trigger.from_state.state }}
          to {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
          icon: "2"
          iconcolor: "#FF0000"
          sound: "22"
          vibration: "31"
    - service: evohome.set_zone_override
        entity_id: climate.slp_kamer
        temperature: 10

i recieve the following error in the log:
Error while executing automation automation.enocean_test. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘temperature’]

i am a bit puzzeled by this error. where do i set the temperature in an automation?





in your set_zone_override.

I changed data_template: to data:, and reloaded the automations. triggered the automation via the states tab, but it made no difference. i still recieve the same error in the log file.

it should be


instead of


I always try it out in the services tab under developer section before putting it in my config just to make sure it’s working right. That would have saved you some time here as it tells you the name of the parameters there, then you can just copy-paste to your config after it’s working.

Yes! It is working now! Thanks for also giving me some insight in home assistant.

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I’ve been playing with set_zone_override and would like to use the “until” functionality mentioned below to set a specific time of day for the override to end, but I can’t seem to get the syntax right. Could I get a hint?


This service call is used to set the temperature of a zone as identified by its entity_id . This change can either be indefinite, or for a set period of time, after which it will revert to FollowSchedule . The duration can be in minutes from the current time, or until a specified time within the next 24 hours.

I’ve tried like follows:

entity_id: climate.living_room
setpoint: 5
  until: 2030
entity_id: climate.living_room
setpoint: 5
  "until": "20:30"
entity_id: climate.living_room
setpoint: 5
duration: {"until": 2030}
entity_id: climate.living_room
setpoint: 5
duration: {"until": "20:30"}

And a bunch of other variations… It doesn’t seem to like until at all…

Sorry, the docs are wrong: until never made it into the code: I am about to submit a fix for the docs, and this feature will be added in at a later stage.


Ah that would explain it then ;-). Thanks.

Yeah sorry: just ran out of time.

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No worries, you’ve still created the most comprehensive heating system available for hass IMO… These things are all cherries on top. Minutes will be sufficient for now.

thanks a lot for this great integration!
I am now trying to create some automations but I am having issues with regards to time zones I think. Everytime I set a new Setpoint without a number of minutes it sets the temporary override to the next setpoint +1 hour. If I set a new Setpoint with a number of 10 minutes it sets the temporary override to 1 hour and 10 mins.
When I check the attributes of the zones I can see the following:
this_sp_from: ‘2020-02-11T09:00:00+01:00’
this_sp_temp: 21
next_sp_from: ‘2020-02-11T18:00:00+01:00’
next_sp_temp: 18
So I am wondering if the +1:00 got something to do with this?
I am based in the Netherlands and my timezone in HA is Europe/Amsterdam. Also on the Totalconnect website my location is set to Netherlands and timezone to Amsterdam.
Any ideas what is going wrong?