Official Reolink integration to support Spotlight and Siren options

No it’s not accessible over the web interface/web browser as a separate device

In the reolink APP windows appears like this

As I know there is a API to controle this device also but i not have the knowledge to use this …

Reolink Camera API User Guide_V8

Please let me know if you need any information from my side

Thank you

I don’t know, I am guessing that it will work, but I would need either the device myself or someone that is able to run some python scipts to test if it supports the API.
My bad would be that it probably will not work as of now, but with some changes to the code I could get it to work.
I can not prommise anything.

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Great, and thank you

Please let me know if you need to run this scripts once I have the device and I can try to help on this integration

Best regards

Great, and thank you

maybe there is an other Feature request, but im missing the audio functions. To speek with an Person in front of the camera. Best if this is available in the mobile App.

Best regards

If you appreciate the reolink integration and want to support its development, please consider sponsering the upstream library or purchase Reolink products through this affiliate link.


Hi @starkillerOG, I got one of these today (wifi version) There is no web interface coming up on the floodlights IP for http or https.
It appears under the IoT tab in the Android app, I have tried adding it as a camera with the official integration just to check and it didn’t work.

I’ll install the fat windows client somewhere and see if that tells me anything, might be able to trap some traffic

@GarethPrice thanks for the feedback.
Withouth the HTTP API it will probably not be possible to directly control it.
You might be able to couple it to a camera and then control it through that camera, but I don’t know how this works.

You could contact Reolink support and ask if they could implement the HTTP API in the floodlight firmware. If many people request it, there is a good chance they will add it.
I would chose support request and state that you want the HTTP API for integration into Home Assistant.

Well, I misunderstood the official Reolink integration page when I saw all of the floodlight and light entries and thought that the Reolink wifi Floodlight was supported. Before I send it back, is there any chance of future integration?

I’ve also just purchased the Reolink Duo Floodlight WiFi specifically to integrate - does it not work @shocku992?

Same here, just bought it via Prime days on amazon - have you guys got it to work? @shocku992 @madlan @starkillerOG

@madlan @Tibbie86 The Reolink Duo Floodlight WiFi does work with the build in Reolink integration.
Only the standalone Floodlight (without camera) does not work.

It is apperently possible to integrate the standalone Floodlight using the Baichuan protocol using the Neolink code: GitHub - thirtythreeforty/neolink: An RTSP bridge to Reolink IP cameras
But that requires some addon and then works trough MQTT (I think), I have never tried it.
Link to the addon:
Note that the Baichuan protocol is reverse engineered and not supposed to be publicly available, therefore it is subjected to change an breaking withouth warning if Reolink makes changes in the firmware.

See here: Reolink Duo Floodlight Wifi missing Floodlight mode option · Issue #100250 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

If there are any issues I’m sure the integration dev will assist - he seems very friendly and responsive.
I would suggest purchasing via his reolink rebate links to support him if you could.

Edit: The official docs have been updated to include it: Reolink IP NVR/camera - Home Assistant

Thanks for the complement @madlan, I am the code-owner/dev of the Reolink integration :slight_smile:

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I didn’t see you had messaged just before me! :slight_smile:

Sorry friend

I have a reolink floodlight poe duo , but with the intregration standard dosen’t work.

the port 80 e 443 is not accessible


Just as an update, I’ve been using the Neolink integration mentioned above for months now and it’s worked pretty well. This last weekend I moved it from a Linux box to Docker, but had a lot of trouble with the newest version. Rolled back to an older version (0.513) and it’s been fine. Somehow I missed that there is a HASSIO add on, so I may try it at some point.

This is the guide I used, with a little google translate I was able to setup the first light. I will probably add more in the future.

I set this up yesterday using Neolink addon. To simplify for those that come after me, even though these floodlights have been discontinued:

  1. Add this repository: GitHub - dm82m/hassio-addons: HAOS add-ons developed by dm82m
  2. In HA, search for the Neolink add-on and install
  3. Follow the install instructions for the Neolink Addon:
    a) Using either file editor or studio code server, create a new folder called “addons”
    b) Add a filed called “neolink.toml” into the homeassistant/addons/ folder. This will have all of the neolink configuration options. See below for my example config options
    c) configure the Neolink addon to use rtsp, mqtt, or dual settings on the add-on configuration tab. You need to set up mqtt to get a standalone floodlight to work.
    d) start add-on

for my configuration, I needed to set the following for a standalone floodlight:

bind = “”
broker_addr = “XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX” #enter your HA IP address
port = 1883
credentials = [“user”, “password”] #enter your mqtt credentials
name = “Floodlight”
username = “admin”
password = “password” #enter your camera/floodlight password
address = “XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9000” #enter your floodlight/camera IP address
topic = “homeassistant”
features = [“floodlight”, “led”, “reboot”]

What makes this a better solution than the reolink integration?

You only need Neolink if your camera or device isn’t supported by the official integration.