Just installed my Twinly lights that I have for a couple of years now and discover that they no longer work with Home Assistant?
They are the simple WiFi Led lights, so no Bluetooth or anything. Is there a way to still get them working. I only need a simple on/off and perhaps brightness. Off course I can put an extra smart plug in front, but that really defeated the purpose.
Is there any reason the older lights no longer work? It’s rather frustrating as you only use them once a year, so changing support half way the year is a little bit stupid as no-one is using them.
Any help would greatly appreciated.
Pulled out my three year old TWS250STP (250 RGB LEDs) lights from the closet, plugged them in, put them on the Christmas tree, re-enabled the integration (disabled it after last Christmas) and I was up and running like nothing changed. I can turn them off and on and control the effects. I added a new automation using the Calendar integration and it’s working quite well.
So whatever your issue is is not representative of all models of Twinkly devices or all users of the integration. There have been no real changes to the integration itself in the last year.
For reference, here’s the device diagnostics for my lights:
"device_info": {
"product_name": "Twinkly",
"hardware_version": "100",
"bytes_per_led": 3,
"hw_id": "387060",
"flash_size": 64,
"led_type": 14,
"product_code": "TWS250STP",
"fw_family": "F",
"device_name": "Twinkly_387061",
"uptime": "618409",
"mac": "**REDACTED**",
"uuid": "7EE3860B-D786-4A18-88F2-3AFEC434850C",
"max_supported_led": 510,
"number_of_led": 250,
"led_profile": "RGB",
"frame_rate": 20.49,
"measured_frame_rate": 25,
"movie_capacity": 5397,
"max_movies": 55,
"wire_type": 1,
"copyright": "LEDWORKS 2021",
"code": 1000
What is your firmware? Mine is 2.3.5. I didn’t disable the integration, but I think it was first through HACS and now it is part of the core. I believe somewhere along the way with an update the one from HACS got replaced.
At this moment mine is not showing op. Whenever it asks for the ip address of the host, the next step is just an empty screen and the only possibility is to click done.
Nothing in the log book or anything about what is going wrong.
Sorry, thought that was in the diags. Version is 2.8.15. I upgraded it after re-installing, but I think it was previously still a 2.8 version.
I didn’t disable the integration, but I think it was first through HACS and now it is part of the core.
I don’t use HACS, never have. I added the core integration starting last year. I disabled the integration when I put away the lights, and left it configured the same way. Just re-enabled it the other day, so no changes in my install.
At this moment mine is not showing op. Whenever it asks for the ip address of the host, the next step is just an empty screen and the only possibility is to click done.
Nothing in the log book or anything about what is going wrong.
So I setup a test instance of HA to reproduce. I added integration and entered the host and saw the same behavior. But then I looked in the integration list and saw Twinkly was discovered automatically:
Do you see this?
If I ignore it, then I can successfully add the integration manually using the hostname. Or even easier, I can just click “Configure” and it automatically sets it up. Does that work for you? I would say there’s a bug when trying to manually add the integration while it has been discovered already.
Note that for discovery to work, HA must be on the same network as Twinkly, and the twinkly hostname must be start with twinkly_
, e.g. my lights are named twinkly_xmas.my.host
It is not auto-discovered. I got it to work with an old Python script.
You have to change the configuration a little bit - as it is still in the old style. This is what got it working for me:
- switch:
name: TwinklyXmasLights
command_on: "python3 /config/python_scripts/twinkly.py YOUR_IP_HERE on"
command_off: "python3 /config/python_scripts/twinkly.py YOUR_IP_HERE off"
command_state: "python3 /config/python_scripts/twinkly.py YOUR_IP_HERE state"
value_template: "{{ value == \"1\" }}"
unique_id: 20231203_twinkly_XmasLights
It now can be switched on/off with HA and automations.t
Mine is one of the earlier ones, only wifi and probably generation 1. The name of the device is: Twinkly-3B2DA7 and can’t seem to change that.
“copyright”: “LEDWORKS 2021”
I think yours are a little bit newer than mine. 2021 and looking at your firmware. I think I got mine in 2019. Does yours have bluetooth? Or is it Generation 2?
So I think the older, WiFi only, don’t seem to work as their firmware is not getting higher than 2.5.3 - and is not showing any signs that they will update the firmware.
Mine is a Generation 2 according to What are the differences between Generation I and Generation II?. I only use WiFi.
The Python library that the integration uses is GitHub - jschlyter/ttls: Twinkly Twinkly Little Star. There’s no documentation as to whether Gen 1 devices are supported or not, and I couldn’t find a clear answer from the issues.
Hi @freshcoast Maybe I could be off topic and I apologize for hat … but I saw you are mentioning the TTLS GitHub project. I’m really interested because is one of the few projects explicitly declaring support for music mode. Could you help me with some fe suggestions to implement and try it. The documentation on GitHub is really minimal (I can install the python package) but then ? how can call the program to. for example, set a specific mode, like music ). Thank you in advance.
Sorry, I don’t have any knowledge of the project, only that it’s used for the HA integration.
I had same issue and just make it working…
It has nothing to do with HA. After new app been installed and new firmware applied some settings are not correctly applied in the Twinkly device.
To overcome the issue you need to select and apply new scheme, toggle on/off and brightness on main Twinkly app screen.
I had same issue and just make it working…
It has nothing to do with HA. After new app been installed and new firmware applied some settings are not correctly applied in the Twinkly device.
To overcome the issue you need to select and apply new scheme, toggle on/off and brightness on main Twinkly app screen.
Looks like this is the solution. Mine could turn off but not on with HA. I used the Twinkly app and there were no stored effects for that light. I picked one in the gallery, applied it and it started working normally again…