[On Hold] Deprecating Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux

Potentially the only real issue I see (not having any real knowledge of Alpine Linux) is that I would guess that the majority of users already run some form of Debian Linux (Debian, Raspbian, Ubuntu,…)

The path you suggest would require every one of those users (including me :wink:) to completely wipe out their existing OS’s and reinstall Alpine Linux in addition to all the other stuff they had on their current system.

Do you have any idea what the breakdown in user base for non-specialty (i.e. non-pro, hobbyist type) users is across the various flavors (or “flavours” for you non-US types :grinning:) of Linux?

I really don’t know and I don’t even know if that metric exists.

But my guess, again, would probably be Debian.

I’m just looking at trying to minimize the pain for the majority of users.

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