One automation for several Buttons to control a single lighting group

I am a newbie to the HA universe and I have not been able to locate any information of how I could take several on off buttons (in my case Sonoff SNZB-01) to control one lighting group of 4 (Osram Lightify RT5-6 lights) without having to create a separate automation for each button. I have been duplicating my original automation but I was not sure if I could set up a switch group I did not see this as an option.
What did I miss or is this the way it works.

You can use multiple triggers in any automation. Just click the “Add Trigger” button and put in the information for your second button.

I am using this blueprint to synchronize the states of multiple buttons and I think it’s great:

Create a Group helper and put all the lights in that. Then in your automation just switch the light group

It would likely be better to use a Zigbee group instead of using an HA light group, since that has the added benefit of reducing Zigbee traffic.

Thanks for the tio.
How do you make a zigbee group? Through YAML?
If so where can I find some sample code as I am not a programmer. I am good a point and click>

No yaml necessary for ZHA: To create a zigbee group go to the Devices menu, click on your Zigbee coordinator, click on the “Add Devices Via this Device” button, select the “Groups” tab, then press “Create Group”.

Groups in Zigbee2MQTT

Thanks for the directions. I see the lights as available to make a group but not the button switches. They are all Zigbee devices. Did I miss a step or is it not possible to do the switches as a group?