One-wire bus scanning?

Running in to some trouble with the new “one-wire” setup process. I have a Dallas DS18B20 connected to a D1-Mini. When I setup the bus, it tells me no devices found on the bus. If I manually specify the address it goes on to work perfectly but it still fails to detect/report the address as it should. Was reading elsewhere this was a bug, but haven’t seen any reports yet of it occurring in the most recently released version. Anyone have any tricks for determining the address if a sensor when the built in bus scanning isn’t functioning?

I have several D1 Minis reading DS18B20 devices (one with five on the same pin) with the config always having had the addresses in, and the update to 2024.6 hasn’t caused any issues.

Which version of esphome?

There is a device discovery fix in 2024.6.2

Using latest and greatest as of yesterday.

I’m guessing device scanning isn’t completely failed, just much less robust. I have one device that can successfully scan the bus, but the rest (that successfully scanned before) no longer return any results. The setup is slightly different between the versions, but both worked with 0 issues in older versions of esphome. (The working on is a d1 mini hooked directly to a ds18b20 on a long wire. The non working are all wired to the pcb directly.

Still no luck in todays update….

Comment in this topic. One of the Devs is monitoring it. Heads up for Esphome 2024.6 - #74 by tom_l

The 2024.6.3 release solved all the one-wire issues currently mentioned in that topic.

Solved it. Was dumbness on my part….