Open app on Android phone

yes it can, basically this feature uses URL overriding so you can set up a button card using url_path and then follow the docs and it should work.

can you help - i want to open this app

on my phone

i can open netflix with the examble on the help page but i can’t figure out how to onen the Glue app.

install this app, it show you the intents you can use:

4 posts above yours has a link with examples to follow

thanks , but i cant find “GLUE” app in the Activity Launcher

if all you want to do is open an app using a link in the Frontend just use the package name for the app with webview links

the package name can be found in the URL you posted


I want to open an app on my phone - by using an automation in HA

service: notify.mobile_app_rhmobil
  message: command_activity
  title: call glue
    channel: com.apps.gluehome.picapau
    tag: android.intent.action.VIEW


  message: command_activity
    tag: "android.intent.action.MAIN"
    channel: "gluehome.picapau"

no it dont open app

my phone (samsung s10e android 12) says : could not send activity intent

service: notify.mobile_app_rhmobil
  message: command_activity
    channel: "android.intent.action.MAIN"
    tag: "gluehome.picapau"

You mixed up the data portion

thanks but same result

service: notify.mobile_app_rhmobil
  message: "command_activity
    tag: "android.intent.action.MAIN"
    channel: "gluehome.picapau"

hahha thats what i get for blindly copying something :stuck_out_tongue:

@ha_user22323 you need to get an activity to launch to for that app, activity launcher should indeed find an activity to target so not sure why the app doesnt show up there. You may need to reach out to the developer of the application if you continue to have difficulties. They can probably tell you how to even open the app directly to your lock or whatever you want. Alternatively you can install an app like Logcat Reader to look at the intents. This is an advanced feature so it will require you to investigate things.

ok thanks for your time, i thought it was easy to open the like i could do with the Netflex app. :slight_smile:

we know about netflix because others had already figured it out when we google the app…im not finding much luck for this app you want.

If you can’t figure it out after you try to research create an issue in the android repo and we can probably come up with a command that just launches an app using its launch intent. This command here is really designed to take a user to a specific part of an app and not really to just launch the app. In the meantime you can use the action of the notification to launch the app when you click on the notification, refer to the docs for more details on this.

Is there a way to take it to the next level…
My challenge, Tesla app doesn’t deal with navigation (don’t think so).
But if I open Google Maps and “share directions” with the Tesla app, it will forward it to the car and will navigate on the car screen.

Anybody knows how to command “share direction” to the Google Maps after sending the location via…

  - alias: Search google maps
      - service: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_activity"
          title: "geo:0,0?q=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway%2C+CA"
            channel: ""
            tag: "android.intent.action.VIEW"

as per Notification Commands | Home Assistant Companion Docs

Check the linked Google site in the companion app help site to see what is possible.

You can also just launch an app with command_launch_app as the message and the package_name as data.

See: Notification Commands | Home Assistant Companion Docs

  - alias: Launch app
      - service: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_launch_app"
            package_name: ""

excuse me for the ignorance, when trying to add these lines:

- type: weblink
  name: Twitter
  url: "app://"

I see the attched screen, what am I doing wrong?

make sure you are using the entities card when adding the card

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I did, but something gets wrong. what should be the correct syntax ?
got it, thanks!!

type: entities
  - type: weblink
    name: Twitter
    url: "app://"
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