Open-zwave-control-panel still needed?

Very very true. And if we could get some of the things we are talking about like the popup when you add, rename, remove a device, that would remove most of the things I rely on OZWCP for.

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When you are familiar with something and know all the ins and outs it is difficult to leave that behind. For someone unfamiliar with how something was done in the past, it is much easier to get experience using the current way of setting up zwave devices. I just don’t think it is useful to plant doubt that the current system isn’t capable to someone who may be new?

That’s fine. I guess I’m just not one to give up a tool, just because I get a new one that does the same thing. There might be a time when I need that old screwdriver…

Which is what I was saying. Like Groups management, automation and configuration, it’s a nice idea that shows a lot of promise towards helping newer users, but they aren’t quite there yet. The core devs even acknowledge this. And knowing how things work in the background is an important skill; remember all of this is still using OZW, just bypassing the OZWCP.

No one is telling you to give up your old screwdriver or anyone to give up the old tools. They are serving you well because you understand them. I am suggesting that we don’t keep telling new people to go out and get an old screwdriver simply because they don’t have one. They may never need an old screwdriver. As it exists today, I think that the current zwave tools in HA could serve 99% of the things new users need to do. And it is only getting better. If someone finds something they can’t do in the current set up, that is the time to go looking for an old screwdriver. 99% of the users will never need that screwdriver. Installing OZWCP just for the sake of having it doesn’t make sense for the added complexities of installing or maintaining it,

Agreed. That’s what I’m saying as well.

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