OpenGarage - open-source Wifi garage opener

Meawhile my buzzer just peeps inaudibly … what model do you use ? Thanks in advance

You need a 9012 passive piezo buzzer. It’s blue/green rectangular board with a black cylinder buzzer on it. I didn’t specify the type in my original post, and this forum software won’t let you edit your post after a few days. (bummer!). If you use the search feature in this thread for “buzzer” you will see other users discuss the same thing.

Thanks . It’s on his way to my home :wink:
Strange enough it is listed as active on eBay.
The one I bought previously was a passive …
Will see

I set mine up, worked flawlessly for about 2 weeks, then it went on a constant rapid blinking. Unplugging from power and re-plugging did not fix it. Any ideas?

I used foam board for mine, not too bad looking

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I wanted to provide an update on the state of this component. I fixed a bug that @mLaupet described a couple months ago and submitted a Pull Request (#15397) last month to get this change released. Unfortunately, the Home Assistant reviewer rejected my change, and pretty much told me I need to rewrite the entire component to use a python library (which doesn’t exist). As I’m not a python developer and I wrote this on my free time (based on code for the Garadget component which is very similar), it looks like there will be no future updates to this, unless someone wants to make a library for it.

If you want the code for the fix, it’s currently in my github repository here:
You’ll put this file in /custom_components/cover/


For anyone having signal problems or the devices is showing as away from HA check your power supply.

I originally used a iphone power supply (5V 1A) and had constant disconnects and issues. I was about to uninstall mine out of frustration. I then saw a post about power supply.

I switched to an extra iPad power supply (5V 2.1A) I had and it has been rock solid ever since, not a single disconnect in a few weeks.

Yeah I had the same issue, and posted it on their forums, they really need to warn people about that. Their recommendation for 1A seems to be OK for good chargers but they are far and in between.

Great solution.

After a bit steep learning curve I managed to flash the nodemcu and mount the components on a small board (as per the tutorial).

I do have a problem with the sensor which doesn’t seem to be accurate.
You recommend using 5V (Vin) or 3V (3Ve)?

Also interested on a solution for a “package” to hold all together in a garage environment

Hi could you please tell me in more detail what that is (foam board?)

It’s a flimsy board made of foam and covered on both sides with a sheet of paper; Google image results shows them ($1 each at a Dollar Store).

Thanks a lot, I installed one of these succesfully in my garage.

Since its so easy I want to use the same concept also for a simple relay switch (without the distance sensor and buzzer, just the relay).

Which would be a good firmware for it? I tried looking for hours on the web and could not find

@Klagio: You should look into Tasmota

Anyone using OpenGarage with HomeKit through HA?

After clicking the tile to open the garage in the iOS Home app, the tile stays stuck on “Opening…” until I restart the Home app, and then it updates to “Open”. Same but reversed with closing. It seems like HomeKit is never notified that the open/close action completed so the tile isn’t updated until its forced to check its state again by force-quitting.

I’ve also got homebridge set up so for now I’m using the OG plugin over there since it has “openCloseDurationSecs” and “pollFrequencySecs” options that seem to keep HomeKit’s state in sync. But I’d love to keep this in HA if possible so was looking to see if anyone else had solutions. Thanks!

Same thing here. I have it coming under homekit, but when I ask siri to open the garage it just say’s opening and doesnt’ do anything. Script maybe?

Does anyone have a script?

It seems that I’ve got the same or nearly the same issue.

My device is conntected to my wifi network but the web interface doesn’t show up correctly.

Maybe I will try another power supply.


Could be a bad firmware flash too? If the webpage is sufficient condition you could re-run the firmware update?

Is the wifi coverage ample?

No the firmware update doesn’t work, I can get to the update page, select the fw file and enter the device key, but after I hit submit, nothing happens.

Wifi coverage seems to be good, and my setup has been working over the last 10-12 weeks now. Don’t know what happend. Is it possible that the circuit is sensitive about cold weather or high humidity?


I had issues in cold weather with my distance sensor being way off (would say car not in garage when it was, and it would alternate between 1m and 2m), I could track the number of errors by the lower the temperature directly. The power pack was no good and had to be replaced.

I now run two of them off one decent quality 2.5A dual port charger and no issues. Previously I had two left over 1A phone chargers.

It’s funny, I had the same thoughts. I’ve been using OpenGarage since May, and it stopped working 2-3 weeks ago. Since then I’ve wanted to replace the cable between OpenGarage and the Opener, but never had the time to actually do it. I can clearly hear the “click” sound when I tell it to open/close