Our Groceries integration and Lovelace card

Yes, but I will delete all of the integration files and start again.

Sorry to bother you but I really want to get this working. I have installed the integration and card but I am stuck at where the resources.json has to be installed. Would you please advise?

I also get this error message:
Failed config
General Errors:
- Platform error sensor.our_groceries - Integration ‘our_groceries’ not found.

Hey nice that you integrated this app in HA, is there a way to get the values of the sensor?

what I want to do is to call the items on the list and push them via notify if I get in an market - so it would be mandatory for me to have a possibility to get the single items=)

Best regards=)

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at the end i ended up using nodered with bring! node

Hi mate are you still using this ?
I’ve just installed it but getting errors after entering my details.

Can’t answer your question about Our Groceries, but I can HIGHLY recommend the ToDoList Shopping Integration and card. Works great with Home assistant and Amazon Alexa and more importantly (and least in my house) is wife approved. Good luck!

Hey there, im still using it - but it works in my case by simply putting the credentials in there:/ what are the error stating?

Thanks for the reply.
So is it simply just entering the credentials and selecting them in the node ?
the error says
Error: Cannot get items for list : 405 - “”
@mboarman Thanks for that i’ll have a try that.

Ahh no its not rhat simple - you first have to call for all list than mark down the list names and then u can gee the items from the list…
think there was another node for the lists and one only for authentification

No keeping this back, there is also a custom integration for the shopping list. [https://community.home-assistant.io/t/bring-shopping-list/138491/12](https://Custom component)

With the node red nodes you get the advantage to call single items. I use the bring lists separated in different stores where i get zones for every store i normally visit and let then push the specific items

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Not sure I know how to do that lol
I’ve set up the credentials node and tried the list node but there’s no markdown node within my node red.
I think I’m best trying the integration.

You must use a debug node and first set the list node this node then can be triggered with an inject mode - then you get an object with all the information needed:)

Hi I’m struggling to understand what you mean.
I tested it like
inject node - list node - debug node like in the screenshot above.

So first of all you get the lists like this:

nothing special here, set your credentials only thing i can remember doing there was typing in the credentials in the load items list and press the “authorize” button.

after that you get something like this in the debug window:

and there in the last 2 points under list you got an object with all your lists.

then simply mark your list uuid down and put it in the “get items” node.

After that you can freely call for all items in the list and doing funny stuff with this=)

As example i have an list with ideas for mealplans which i set in an sensor in HA with this flow:

first i have an input_boolean as simple switch with calls the api and goes to this function for a neat sensoroutput

msg.payload = {
“payload”: msg.items.purchase,
“topic”: msg.items.uuid
return msg.payload;

with the List Card i then get this:

My favorit part in this is if i then let the sensor go into a random node i can get a mealplan for the whole week - sure this has some assumptions: first you have to set a picture in bring for every meal, second you need at least 7 meals for a week in the list and this doesnt get that random without any more :wink:


Thanks so much for the detail that helps a lot.
I seem to have it working now however the list is all in German ha ha i tried changing something in one of the nodes from de-DE to en-EN but it doesn’t translate it, Have you any ideas with that ?
Also what i am hoping to do is send that list with the notify service to a mobile phone when someone enters a Shopping zone should i use the sensor node like you have then my notify ?
I have just tried that but not sure how to configure the sensor and i get a error if i leave it default.
Thanks again so far :+1:
"Entity API error. Error Message: expected bool for dictionary value @ data['state']. Got [{'specification': '', 'name': 'Brot'}

Im sorry i never stumbled across this language probleme out of obvious reasons​:see_no_evil::hugs: but this notify thing is exactly what im doing with it, ill later send you my flow:)

So for the Push i have the following:

one for every shop with the first fuction:

msg.payload = {
    "payload": msg.items.purchase,
    "topic": msg.items.uuid
return msg.payload;

the second function

msg.payload = {
    "itemName": msg.payload.name,
    "listUUID": msg.topic,
    "specification": msg.payload.specification
return msg.payload;

and the notify function

let payload = msg.specification;
if (payload == 0){
        msg.payload = { 
            "data": { 
            "message":  msg.itemName,
            "title": "Einkauf",
            "data": {
                "push": {
                    "category": "1"
                "action_data": {
                    "listUUID": msg.listUUID,
                    "itemName": msg.itemName
                "thread-id": "Einkauf",
else if (payload == 1){
        msg.payload = { 
            "data": { 
            "message":  msg.itemName,
            "title": "Einkauf",
            "data": {
                "push": {
                    "category": "1"
                "action_data": {
                    "listUUID": msg.listUUID,
                    "itemName": msg.itemName
                "thread-id": "Einkauf",
     } else {
            msg.payload = { 
                    "data": { 
                    "message": msg.specification +"x "+ msg.itemName,
                    "title": "Einkauf",
                    "data": {
                        "push": {
                            "category": "1"
                        "action_data": {
                            "listUUID": msg.listUUID,
                            "itemName": msg.itemName
                        "thread-id": "Einkauf",

return msg;

– sure this probably would have been possible in one node, but im a newbie:D

the sensor is not necessary for the push but it is setup like this

the function for the single sensor is in the post above=)

i hope this helps=)

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Thanks yeah that looks ideal, the flow would be great if that’s possible :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ll look through the others nodes and GitHub to work out the language.

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If i can help any further dont hesitate to ask!

Thank you.
I’m not sure if I can use this though, I can’t work out how to get the language into English :joy:
I’ve even tried opening every file stored in the node red folder like the bring.js file looking where the language is set but I just can’t find it.
Unless I ask my wife to use Google translate when a shopping list comes through ha ha.

Im totally sorry but i dont get it, their website is simply in english so dont know why the app is in german:/ but cant you just write english words?