Over Quota error

I’m getting the following error meassge in my logs:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>503 Over Quota</title>
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<body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
<tr><td bgcolor=#3366cc><font face=arial,sans-serif color=#ffffff><b>Error</b></td></tr>
<H1>Over Quota</H1>
This application is temporarily over its serving quota.  Please try again later

Does anyone have an idea whats causing it?
I’m running hassbian on a Pi 3B.

The only thing I can think of is wunderground.

I’ve solved the problem, I had this sensor running:
# External ip address

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://ip.jsontest.com
    name: External ip 
    value_template: '{{ value_json.ip }}'

I guess there were to many calls to http://ip.jsontest.com :joy:

I just learned recently that you can address that by changing it to this:

- platform: rest
  resource: http://ip.jsontest.com
  name: ExtIP
  value_template: '{{ value_json.ip }}'
    minutes: 10

Thank you, I’ll give it a try.

You’re welcome.
I read that it normally updates every 30 seconds otherwise.

I have this error too. If I click on the http://ip.jsontest.com/ it opens a page with my external IP.

I have a “sensor” that monitors the PI and display that in a card including the current external IP… could that be the problem? Because I have no sensors configured using my IP.
This error should not happen since there is nothing actually wrong… is it a bug?

@chairstacker if I put that in my confuguration.yaml will is fix it?

It did for me

I’ve changed to using the dns ip sensor:

1 Like

I put that to 60 and still get this error.

Are you checking from more than one machine?
Maybe it’s better to use the DNS IP Sensor that @cariboo suggests above.

What do you mean?
I have my Mac, iphone and ipad conected to the Hassio Pi. Why yould it matter?
It is the Pi that makes the check for IP, right?

I have dynamic ip resolved with a dns name to make it “static” but don’t understand how to fill the config in caribo’s methond.

Yup - I mean the number of Pis or other machines you use to connect to http://ip.jsontest.com/
Devices, like phones etc. don’t matter.

Can’t really help you with the config for the other sensor, though, as I’m not using it

From the documentation it looks pretty straightforward:

  - platform: dnsip

This is what I’m using

  - platform: dnsip
    scan_interval: 7200
  - platform: rest
    name: External IP
    resource: https://api.ipify.org?format=json
    value_template: '{{ value_json.ip }}'
      minutes: 30

This is what I use, as you can see just a platform and a scan interval is not enough, there is a query and a result involved. From dnsip docs I cannot figure it out how to get the result I am getting from rest.


this one worked for me