Overriding Themes


I have installed a few themes through HACS and I would like to know what the best way would be to override a few colours. I have done it straight on the yaml file but obviously this gets overwritten when the themes gets updated through HACS.

Would there be a way to override a few variables in a separate files that could stay intact through updates?



TBH copy the theme and then rename and edit as you wish. You can always compare via your user profile.

Did you manage to achieve this? My scenario is slightly different - I want to define some global colour variables to use as thresholds wherever I use the custom mini-graph-card to display room temperatures. I’d rather not hardcode the css colour string every time I set it.

Creating a copy of the theme introduces a whole bunch of new issues because it’s now forked and creates a maintenance overhead with every update of the original.

In my configuration.yaml:

# Enables the frontend
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
    - /local/ThemeOverride.js


Idea stolen from https://gist.github.com/thomasloven/2a37152725c582fec4420ecedb65ebe3

Add this to your configuration.yaml
    - /local/ThemeOverride.js

And put the following into <config-dir>/www/ThemeOverride.js

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--ha-card-border-radius', '10px');

As an example…


Excellent, this is working for me too now. Thanks @DavidFW1960!

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Another way is to create a CSS file with colors and add it as a resource to Dashboard

on the file system it’s .home-assistant/www/community/my-project/

in the UI the path would be /hacsfiles/my-project/colors.css

you could define colors globally

:root {
  --my-var: #efb60b;