Owntracks and hassio

Hi Sardauker,

Sorry for digging up this thread, everybody. But I am facing quite similar issues. At bootup I am receiving this error:
Error setting up platform owntracks and deeper down inside the error message: Error talking to MQTT: The client is not currently connected.

Since MQTT (mosquitto, installed as a hass.io package in my case) is running fine, I can only guess that this happens since the broker is not ready yet when trying to set up owntracks.

Has anyone an idea on how to delay the setup of owntracks? Or did you get it to work, @Sardauker?

EDIT: switched to the http version, as @dannyhanes suggested. Works, after activating api_password.

Sorry, I have seen the notify just now :frowning:

No, I couldn’t make it work even in http, I switched to Google :frowning: