Paid Consultants for Home Security Platform?

Please note that the starting post dates back from October '20 :slight_smile: I never updated it since.
In the meantime my project has grown quite a bit and by now 100+ users depend on it for securing their home (including myself).
The fundamental part (arming/disarming and watching your sensors) should work stable for everyone.
There are some ‘whistles&bells’ in Alarmo, such as build-in support for sending notifications, basic automations (instead of doing so through HA automations) and MQTT support, most room for improvement are here.

I invite you to give it a try :+1:
It should take only ~1 hour to get familiar with the configuration and set up the basics.
My goal for this project was to help people who don’t want to tinker with yaml, so you seem to be the perfect candidate.
If you have a problem or miss some functionality, just let me know.

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