Paper-Buttons-Row question

Hello experts,

I have a small question. I’m using the custom paper-buttons-row to have buttons for my garage door and main house door. I want to configure the garage door to show the state from another entity related to the garage door. Is this possible? Many thanks!!

To be precise:

  • I want to use the “binary_sensor.garage_door_door” entity’s state to show the color whether the garage door is closed or open (the current lock state does not work correctly).

Hi, from How to help us help you - or How to ask a good questionFormat it properly

To start, I would verify your states defined under state_styles: match what is shown in Developer tools. The lock state should work.

You can always reference the binary_sensor as the entity and use tap_action to active the actual lock

An example with two different entities

type: entities
  - type: custom:paper-buttons-row
      - entity: light.pc_lights
              color: red
              color: green
          action: call-service
          service: light.toggle
            entity_id: light.bathroom_lights
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Thank you LiQuid_cOOled.

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