Paradox Alarm MQTT Hassio addon

Hello to everyone, dp you know if this addon is compatible with ip150+?

Hi There,

First of all, Iā€™m using this modul for a half a year now without any problem, thank you so much!
Today, I had a mistery and canā€™t solve it alone. So, I armed the house via HA lovalace panel. Forgot something, went back and disarmed. And after that, the HA constantly shows the system disabled, even if I send directly from developer panel any command. I looked into the MQTT, and as I see the alarm/state topic is not refreshing at all. Every other topic is ok, I see the motion detectors, opening sensors. Just this little alarm/state topic. Restarted HA, IPmodul, HA Paradox modul, everything what I can. If the modul started, I can reach the website of ipmodul which is fine. In the module log is empty.
I didnā€™t instralled, added or even modified anything in HA after the last successfull opening/closeing.

Please help!


Modifying. Only if is send disarm than in the cmnd topic is set to DISARM but the state topic not changing. (The IP modul got the disarm correctly)

Hi All!

Iā€™m dropping a note here to inform you that Iā€™ve just released v1.1 of the addon. This is a very minor release, that distinguishes between the ā€˜armingā€™ state when the alarm is in its grace time going to be armed (i.e. the transition from ā€˜disarmedā€™ to ā€˜armedā€™), and the ā€˜pendingā€™ state when the alarm is in its grace time going to trigger (the transition from ā€˜armedā€™ to ā€˜triggeredā€™). Previously, both states where reported as ā€˜pendingā€™ so it was harder to distinguish each case programmatically.

To update, simply hit refresh in your Add-on Store and enjoy the smooth update process :slight_smile:


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Hello !

Iā€™ve just decided to buy a Paradox alarm, an EVO HD more specifically.
Iā€™m trying to figure out which would be the best integration with Home Assistant and using which interface in order to get all individual sensor status updated in real-time in Home Assisstant without any latency.

Looks like I can use (at least) :

Which solution would you recommand me as the most reliable ? :slight_smile:

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My IP150S with 1.40 firmware is rock solid. I have literally never had an issue with the integration from the moment I first set it up a year ago.

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With which alarm model for information ?


I keep getting the following error:
Could not login, wrong credentials provided

Iā€™m not 100% sure I have the correct details, could you confirm the following configuration settings?

PANEL_CODE: '1234'   <- would this be the same code to disarm the alarm (i.e. the same code when logging in via the web interface onto the IP150 module)?
PANEL_PASSWORD: 'aabbccdd' <- is this the serial number printed on the circuit board of the alarm?

Eventually too many logins will cause the IP150 module to lock everyone out, is there a way to get the addon to automatically stop if it gets an invalid login response?


IIRC, one is the code for the alarm, the other is the credential used to log into the IP150S using a web browser.


I have 2 Alarm Systems which both have their own IP150. What would be the best way to integrate them both within the same Home Assistant? Can we install this add-on ā€œtwiceā€?

Thank you for the great work!

I donā€™t think you can have 2 instances of addons on the same hass instance, but you could use another IP150 to mqtt gateway like for the second one. Or you could get a Pi 2 and install and this addon on that and just subscribe to the MQTT messages from there. Iā€™ve had to do things like this for some bluetooth devices in the past, works great.

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Hello, I have a quick question. Regarding this add-on, one of the benefit is that it uses the ā€œwebā€ port so that it frees up the ā€œsoftwareā€ port. I am able to use the iOS iParadox application successfully while this add-on is running, which is great in case I need ā€œbackup accessā€.

However, I couldnā€™t connect with Babyware at all, which I believe is supposed to use the ā€œsoftwareā€ port as well. Is this normal behaviour? I had to program new user codes and I just couldnā€™t connect. So, maybe thereā€™s a setting, or I need a different versionā€¦ I often need to program codes and it would be convenient to maintain Babyware access.

Thank you!


Babyware can not connect to the panel if PAI add-on is running. I donā€™t think there is a way around this.

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Iā€™m trying to setup the addon on a IP150+ module, however it doesnā€™t require a password when connecting via the web interface, but only the panel code, so I donā€™t really know what to do with PANEL_PASSWORD config. Iā€™ve tried to leave it empty but the config file becomes invalid.

Any ideas?


Did you try setting it to an empty string like ā€œā€?

Yes, Iā€™ve tried different variations of empty ("", ā€˜ā€™, null) but the addon would crash at start.
What seems to work instead is the default password (i.e. paradox).

The reason I say ā€œit seems to workā€ is because the addon doesnā€™t crash anymore, however in the Entities section it shows up Unavailable, so Iā€™m not really sure it does work indeed. Any thoughts on how can I check that?

The addon log looks clean:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.


In my experience, if the log is completely empty, the addon is working. Doesnā€™t give much confidence.

You wonā€™t get sensors until your MQTT sensors are correctly set up. Best is to go browse for your topics on your MQTT server using a tool like MQTTlens and see if the integration is publishing data when you open windows that are monitored by the alarm.

Thanks @scstraus, Iā€™ll try do that, although I believe the integration doesnā€™t connect to the IP150+ as it shows Unavailable.

Ok, done the test, and as expected nothing shows up in the mqtt broker. Perhaps the integration doesnā€™t connect to the IP150+ module, but no error in the log file.

I guess you could create a custom addon with this addon sources and run both of them in parrallel, one for each of your IP150 modules.