Looks like you have problems …
Here’s some homework for you:
But let me help you with your reading:
This forum is not a helpdesk
… We are volunteering our free time to help others. Not all topics may get an answer, never mind one that helps you solve your problem.
If I read dozens of posts trying to lend my time and trying to understand the problems there is no question that “plain formatted” code blocks are easier for all to comprehend for all seeking a solution and all trying to help.
Format it properly
Spacing is critical in YAML, and if you just throw the code on the page then it’ll look ugly and nobody will know if the problem is because of spacing. We need you to use code blocks and appropriate markup.
You short-sightedly think I am a “nazi” for syntax for shit-and-giggles?
I (and others) am/are attempting to assist a poster by checking their YAML syntax which will fail with no error. You obviously no idea how crucial white space is in syntax.
Be respectful
Please do read the code of conduct .
I’m sorry you’re having such difficulties. Maybe take a break and do yoga, or learn to code your own home automation solution from scratch?
When you’re done with that; seeing as this problem directly affects you, how about you lend to the solution by posting what you have tried?
Oh, I guess the irony must be lost on you …