Passing to do list to esphome

So my goal is to pass a local to do list from home assistant to esphome so I can display it. I’ve tried using a template as a sensor but I’ve failed passing the info. My plan was to create four items/sensors based on the first four on my Todo list.

Nice task you got yourself here. :slight_smile:

Haven’t done such a thing myself, but I’d go at it this way:

As I said, this is of the top of my head, not tested! :slight_smile:

Hope this helps to get you started.

I tried this without success:

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
      - platform: event
        event_type: event_template_reloaded
      - service: todo.get_items
          status: needs_action
          entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
        response_variable: todo_list_list
      - name: to do listed
        unique_id: todo_list_list
        # Add the missing "state" key and define the desired state
        state: >  # Use Jinja2 templating for dynamic state
            {{ todo_list_list[todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today]['items'] | map(attribute='summary') | list | count > 0 }}

Please format your code properly, we can’t see, if there are errors in it, without proper formatting. :slight_smile:

See here:


Added correct format

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Something like that, but I’d safe the items as attributes. State has the disadvantage, that it is limited to 255 characters.

Like so:

  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
      - service: todo.get_items
          status: needs_action
          entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
        response_variable: todo_list_list
      - name: to_do_listed
        unique_id: todo_list_list
        state: >-
# this is the number of items/entries on the to-do list
            {{ states('todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today') }} 
          items: >-
            {% for item in todo_list_list['todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today']['items'] %}
            {{ item }}
            {% endfor %}

This saves each of the items (all of them!) as one list entry in the attributes from the template sensor.

You can get these attributes in ESPHome in the text sensor

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: todo_list
    entity_id: sensor.to_do_listed
    attribute: items

I have been trying to assign each to do list item as a separate attribute, but I am failling. Any ideas on how to fix it?

- trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
      - platform: event
        event_type: event_template_reloaded
      - service: todo.get_items
          status: needs_action
          entity_id: todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today
        response_variable: todo_list_list
      - name: to_do_listed
        unique_id: todo_listed
        state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
          {% for i in range(todo_list_list['todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today']['items'] | length) %}
            {{ i }}_summary: "{{ todo_list_list['todo.google_keep_things_to_do_today']['items'][i].summary }}"
          {% endfor %} 

Any ideas with this? I am able to pass all items on the list to one attribute but not separate them.

I’d say that’s not possible, at least I don’t know a way. :slight_smile: You can’t template the key (name) of an attribute, just the value.

But the question is, why? You can loop through the attribute in ESPHome.