Path to background image


I am trying to define a theme for a background image with this code in configuration.yaml

      primary-color: pink
      accent-color: orange
      primary-color: "#F4D175"
      accent-color: "#0B2E8A"
      background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url('Bilder/test.jpeg')


Fo me everything seems right but the image does not show up. I suspect that something is wrong with the path but I have tried various options and could not resolve the issue.

Thank you!

Perhaps this works?

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately, it still does not work.


background-image: "center / cover no-repeat fixed url('Bilder/test.jpeg')"
lovelace-background: var(--background-image)

you need to have a “www” folder under /config …in file editor create a www folder, if it’s not already there
this /www is also called “local”
then you can place the image direct under www or in a new separate folder
/local/image.jpg or /local/images/image.jpg

PS: and dont use capital letters !

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I have it like this no but still neither of the two test images shows up in my dashboards:

      primary-color: pink
      accent-color: orange
      primary-color: "#F4D175"
      accent-color: "#0B2E8A"
      background-image: "center / cover no-repeat fixed url('/local/bilder/test2.png')"
      lovelace-background: var(--background-image)


… out of curiosity: why no capital letters?

… Just for inspiration

It’s linux , and best practice is lowercase for files and folders … as you also will notice in the /config structure, and the whole OS for that matter, And a doubt any programmers use capital letters in file/folder path
EDIT: ( b ≠ B )
So it’s basically a bad “Windows” habit to use capital letters, in file/folder structure, and “very doubtful” in programming in HA environment

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Thank you for the Linux briefing… it has been a while :wink:

I found the culprit it has to be lovelace-background

lovelace-background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url('/local/bilder/test.jpeg')
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