Per-calendar configurable lead time using VALARMS

The CalDAV integration already provides a means by which any given event can tell the integration that the associated event should fire earlier, e.g. “Important work event !! -10” would fire ten minutes earlier.

It would be incredibly useful to be able to specify this lead time per-calendar as a default for events that don’t specify the lead time themselves. An example use case would be to open the shutters an hour before an event called “School”.

If I could create a custom_calendar, and specify e.g. early_wakeup or lead_time of e.g. 60, and then use that event in an automation, I could do great things!

Update 2023-07-29: Or even better, let’s use VALARM of a VEVENT:


from the RFC 5545:

Description: Each “VALARM” calendar component has a particular type of action with which it is associated. This property specifies the type of action. Applications MUST ignore alarms with x-name and iana-token values they don’t recognize.

This guarantees that no other tool will trip over the x-homeassistant token used in the ACTION field.

Please consider this request!


Calendar automations support offsets Calendar - Home Assistant so you can have a trigger fire N minutes before the start of the event.

I initially misunderstood your suggestion, leading me down the path of using VALARM (see update above).

I’ll tinker a bit and let you know. It’ll take a while as I am travelling.