Person Detection with Blue Iris, Google Coral, and Frigate v0.8.0

I have Frigate running with 4 Amcrest cameras and I recently purchased the UBS Coral Accelerator.
2 Questions:

  1. Seems like the Coral is made specifically for Debian-based Linux system. However, I read that Home Assistant OS v6 has GOOGLE CORAL PCIE AI ACCELERATOR SUPPORT. Do you know what that means?

  2. I tried running my Coral UBS and it didn’t work. I like the fake that I can see my clips and snapshots via phone. Are the clips and snapshots still seamlessly visible through the mobile app if you have Frigate running on a second machine?

Why use Blue Iris, if there is a machine with Frigate?

Blue Iris is much further ahead when it comes to reviewing historical footage, e.g. manually scanning the last 24 hours. It looks like Frigate it coming out with a timeline viewer in the next release though.

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HAven’t checked that, but frigate is pretty cool, in EVENTS it shows you screenshot of each event

Thanks for this!

I use zones in Frigate and with this flow the zone trigger is what’s picked up, not from the camera. This means the camera name set in the global var is for the name of the zone, not the camera, which doesn’t exist in BI.

I can get around this by renaming the short name of the camera in BI to the zone id in Frigate but it’s not a great workaround. Is there a better way to grab the camera name itself that was triggered? I played around with the regex in the rewrite function

$match(topic, /frigate\/(.*?)\/./).groups[0].$string()

but no luck so far.

I might be reviving an old thread but I thought I’d post my solution in case it helps anyone else (this came up in my google search for the problem). I was having the same trouble as @planetix, where my zone trigger was picked up instead of the camera, which made the existing rewrite function not work for my use case.

My workaround was to add some additional rules to the change node, to change the zone name to the short camera name. So I am changing global.camera_name_person from to <camera_short_name> in the Rewrite Payload change script.

In the image below I show two zones for my camera named “front”. The zones are “front_door” and “side_yard”. I’m searching for the zone name and changing it to the camera short name.