I have a group that tracks if anyone is home. it had been working flawlessly until a couple of days ago. now it always shows “Away”. this is the group configuration:
yes, i know… but the group should combine all the device trackers under the person entities and if any one of them is home, the group anyone_home should be Home. The group is not updating.
Ouch, yes, my focus was too much on the red bars and not on the state of the group members. I think in the back of my mind that person groups have been buggy lately.
Thanks, I’ve updated my findings on that thread to see if anyone has any ideas. It’s killing me, all my automations based on presence are not working and the wife is about to strangle me.
I think that may be the crux of the issue. There are only 2 trackers assigned to my person, one is the IOS cloud the other is the HA App. It looks like both of the trackers can use home value with lower case h and also Home with upper case H. not sure if that would cause an issue or not, but assuming the compare done in the group may be case sensitive.
Wow, I wouldn’t have thought. Very interesting!
Maybe you can work around the problem by adding another presence entity to the group (for example an input_boolean). This changes the state of the group to on/off.
i’m getting around it now by using a template to check home or Home, but i do wonder if this is something i should raise a flag on. i would think more people would be having issues with presence detection if the case sensitivity mattered…