Person YAML

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unfortunately Iā€™m not able to add the user_id tag.

That is by design. The user_id tag is a random unique ID created by HA that should not be edited. That user_id is associated with your person entity in several places in the configuration. If you change it in one place and not all the others youā€™re going to be in for a bad time. Your person entities should definitely already have one.

Can I ask what youā€™re trying to do or trying to fix?

I created some users before I created the persons.
So I have persons who arenā€™t linked to their user-profiles.
In the UIs arnā€™t any possibilities to link them, so I thought I should do it by hand.

I didnā€™t see your reply here because you replied to the thread and not my message, so sorry for the delay here.

Anyway, I would guess that itā€™s probably much easier to delete the users/persons and recreate them than trying to muck around in the storage folders.

I see your report got picked up and this is getting fixed in the latest beta, so you were correct. Good stuff!

Hello, I configure the Person:

but the status of the entity tracking my phone is unknow:


Where am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your support!