pfSense Integration

Sorry I don’t monitor the forums much and mostly work out of github. There are transforms that can be done in the ui vs making the integration produce different values. I’m sure others are far better than I to provide examples of such cases though.

Unfortunately it looks like 2024.2.x has broken this integration. I can not find any evidence as to what exactly was changed in the core HA code that would have broken this. Works fine in 2024.1.6 and breaks as soon as you upgrade to 2024.2.0b0 or later

While the integration still pulls stats in 2024.2.x, but the services seem completely busted. Check out this issue for tracking. Wake On Lan not working with HA 2024.2.0 · Issue #188 · travisghansen/hass-pfsense · GitHub

upgraded to v0.6.5 today and I can call services again.


Does this still work for you? I don’t see any entity like this at all.